Why 95% of People Never Achieve Their Dreams and How to Be in the 5%

Maria Stepanova
3 min readOct 25, 2023

Master the Mindset and Strategies of Extraordinary Achievers

Photo by carolyn christine on Unsplash

Most people are stuck.

They’re stuck in jobs they hate, relationships that don’t serve them, and life situations that are far from what they had dreamed of.

But why is this the case for such a large majority?

Why do 95% of people never manage to break free and achieve their dreams?

And what can you do to be in the 5% that do?

Here are a few reasons why most people never achieve their dreams:

1. Lack of Clarity

One of the main reasons people never achieve their dreams is because they aren’t clear about what they want in the first place.

They have a vague idea of wanting ‘more’ — more money, more recognition, more happiness — but they have no clear vision of what that looks like or how to get it.

The 5%, on the other hand, have laser-like focus. They know exactly what they want, why they want it, and what they need to do to get there. They have a plan.

People fail for 2 reasons:

1) They don’t have a plan



Maria Stepanova

I write about personal development, creating good habits and learning how to learn