Airalab Rally Show 2017. Europe

Mariia Vasileva
3 min readOct 1, 2017


Our project AIRA was firstly mentioned in publicity in 2015. Since that time, AIRA was developing right along. Now we’d like to share our results and achievement, and, of course, knowledge and experience in the sphere of a new discipline at the interface of robotics and economics. That’s why we are organizing Airalab Rally Show 2017, whose first part will take place in Europe.

The main goal of our rally show is to create local communities combined with the idea of robot economics. These local communities will have an opportunity to be financed with our fund after token launch.

The next important goal for us is to organize in-person meetings with representatives of academic environment and Industry 4.0. What about academic environment, we are interested in partnership with universities fitted out with laboratories working with robotics, A.I. and machine learning. On these meetings, we will discuss how our fund can help a laboratory and how a laboratory can be useful in development of the idea of robot economics. So, if terms are appropriate for both parties, we will sign the MOU.

Besides, we are going to organize Airalab Workshop, where every participant will be wrapped up in the AIRA project: to get to the bottom of Ethereum and IPFS protocols working process and their collaboration in the AIRA technology. This way, we’d like to involve new participants to our virtual laboratory.

Also, Airalab meet-ups are a very important part of our rally show program. The essence of holding meet-ups for us is to bring the participants up to date on AIRA project. A meet-up will consist of two parts: formal and informal. During the formal part our team members will introduce the AIRA project, give some details of its programming, ways of usage and demonstrate the lastest release of AIRA — Robonomics Game. After that, we suggest our guests to spend an hour in informal atmosphere and to discuss concrete possibilities of integration AIRA to community. For example, for new community members there are such ways of participation as: taking part in the second phase of ICO (donate), developing a project based on the Airalab technologies, popularization of community, attending in specific student exchange programs in our partner-universities, professorship, fellowship and lectureship.

Here you can find the timeline of Airalab rally show in Europe:

Our team will be glad to see you on our events in Europe. So, if you are interested in Blockchain, Ethereum, Bitcoin and IoT technologies or have a wish to become familiar with them, you are welcome! Use these active hyperlinks to register for your participation:

Brussels, BelgiumFinTech and Crypto currencies.

Please, pay your attention that these events are still changing! We will renew information about our events schedule as soon as we get it. Besides, you can get correct information about time and place from co-founder of Airalab, Alexandr Kapitonov:

See you!

