Facts To Know About Cancer Treatment In India

1. Cancer

Maria Ven
3 min readSep 17, 2019

Cancer is an uncontrolled cells growth, which grows beyond normal limit. These extra cells are called a tumor. Cancer is the second leading cause of death. Cancer can be treated if diagnosed earlier, many people are living there life after cancer treatment. There are many different types of cancer which differ as per the growth of the cells. Cancer surgery in India is performed for many years, doctors and hospitals are specialized and had given their entire life studying about cancer and treating patients with dignity and care.

2. How common is cancer?

Cancer is common in both sexes. People with the age of 65 to 75 have a higher risk of cancer. Early detection and diagnosis can increase the survival rate. Every year the number of cases is increasing due to increasing unhealthy lifestyle. As the studies done by cancer surgeons in India common reasons for people getting affected by cancer is there is a high chance of old people getting affected by cancer. Obesity and improper diet is another major factor.

3. Who gets cancer?

Anyone can get diagnosed with cancer. Cancer can happen at any age depending on lifestyle and genetic factors. Cancer is always diagnosed by experts who look for cells or tissue samples under a microscope. Aging is a fundamental factor in getting cancer. People with an unhealthy lifestyle are more likely to get diagnosed with cancer.

4. How many people alive today have ever had cancer?

Millions of people who suffered from cancer are still alive today and some are cancer-free. Earlier people who used to have cancer did not live long due to poor methods of surgery but now this is not the case the living ration is much more as compared to an earlier period. The survival rates are different for different types of cancer, some grow fast and few grow very slow.

5. What causes cancer?

Over 200 different types of cancer have been diagnosed until now. Excessive uses of tobacco, cigarette, alcohol, unhealthy diet, radiation cancer-causing chemicals, lack of physical activities, pollution are common causes for cancer worldwide. Cancer can even be a genetic factor some type of cancer gene is abnormally passed from generation to generation. Early detection and diagnosis made survival and longer living.

Common sign and symptoms that you need to check your doctor include-

· Lump in breast

· Change in bowel habit

· Bleeding form urine, cough, vomit

· Unexplained weight loss

· Irregular and asymmetric shape of moles

6. Can injuries cause cancer?

The fact is different for injuries. It’s just a myth that injuries can cause cancer. Sometimes a person can be in the delusion that due to past injury the person had cancer. You can consult your doctor after an injury is done.

7. How is cancer treated?

Early detection and diagnosis can treat cancer early and can help people with longer life and lifestyle. Many people are living longer after cancer treatment, 67% of people are still alive. Cancer is diagnosed by an expert in India who suggests for some tests, test results are important for knowing cancer type and its diagnosis. Depending on the type of cancer some people can undergo various treatment options such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy suggested by cancer surgeons in India. Most chronic cancer cannot be cured but can be controlled for some months or a year. Cancer surgery in India is done with affordable price as compared to the price in western countries. Cancer surgeons, doctors, and hospitals in India is highly equipped with all the facility and compassionate care.

