Tips from URBN Dental Uptown Dental Clinic

Maria Wilson
5 min readJul 17, 2018


Fresh Teeth Makes You Fresh Smile

Oral/dental hygiene is somehow related to each other, and when we mention tips, we are going to look at all tips involving your mouth and teeth. A few opening words before we start the list though. Taking care of your body has been a burning topic all over the world, and this is encouraged to help prevent diseases and conditions.

Oral hygiene is paramount if you want to give a good impression of yourself. No one wants to talk to a person who has brown teeth or has a terrible mouth smell. It’s definitely new to talk to such a person. Below are some tips you can borrow to ensure you take good care of your teeth.

1) Brushing Your Teeth Is A Must Do

If there is a tip no dentist will lack for you is that of teeth brushing. The traditional advice is to brush your teeth after every meal. The same will apply in this new century because although things are changing, food and teeth remain the same. Brushing your teeth after every meal is important if you want to avoid cavities and plaques. In the morning after waking up, brush your teeth and during the day after your lunch repeat the same. Brushing at night is also a good move especially after food and before you sleep. Doing so despite the busy schedules saves you trips to the doctor.

2) Involve Mouthwash Once In A While for Teeth Cleaning

Mouthwash was developed for a reason. Apart from giving you fresh breath and a minty feel, mouthwash also does the job of cleaning and disinfecting germs in your mouth. Mouthwash contains ingredients which act vigorously against germs in your mouth. This goes along in preventing mouth sores, bacterial infections and tooth decay. Mouthwash also helps prevent plaque from developing in between your teeth. Note the word prevention, not removal so remember to use mouthwash with a toothbrush to removal already existing plaques.

3) Don’t Forget About Dental Flossing

Have you ever seen people on TV using a thread like material to clean their teeth? Well, that is not an option for brushing the teeth. It is a complimentary deed which helps do work which toothbrushes are unable to do. Dental floss helps clean in between the teeth by helping remove food particles which the toothbrush was unable to reach. The use of string may seem unorthodox, but it helps prevent conditions like cavities and gingivitis which come as a result of food particle buildup between the teeth.

4) Teach Yourself Proper Dental Practices

How you treat your teeth matters and have great impact on the general dental health. When you sit in a restaurant, and you are served with soda, but the attendant doesn’t seem to pay attention to the bottle lid, don’t use your teeth. You have probably been advised against this since you were five and we as the URBN Dental Uptown dental clinic only need to emphasis. Opening packages and cracking nuts are not the jobs of your teeth, and there are machines for that. Failure to take care of your teeth means they will get damaged or chipped.

5) Watch What You Munch On a Daily Basis

Time and again, dentists are against eating sugary foods because they will cause tooth decay or development of tooth cavities. Eating something sugary once in a while is not bad, and it will help increase your sugar levels. Excessive consumption ruins the whole vibe. If you love chocolate, candy and sugary soft drinks, your teeth are exposed to conditions. The listed foods are bad news. Also, avoid acidic foods like soda to protect your tooth enamel from erosion.

Try eating healthier foods because it will not only affect your dental health but also your whole body in general. In addition to food restrictions, it is recommended you take foods rich in calcium. Why calcium? Calcium is an essential mineral if you want to strengthen your bones and teeth. Strong enamels mean fewer cavity problems. To get calcium to try green leafy foods, milk, cheese and orange juice.

6) Let Tobacco Be Your Enemy Not Friend

To avoid dental problems and regular visits to the dental clinic, avoid tobacco. The ingredients of tobacco include nicotine as a kind of tar which gets stuck on teeth causing brown teeth. You are a smoker, and you still want white teeth? Well, the bad news is you can’t. Despite the encouraging extra hard toothbrushes and teeth whitening methods, your teeth will still remain brown if you don’t stop taking tobacco. Besides, making tobacco your enemy protects the whole body in general.

7) Ensure You Make Regular Trips to Our Dental clinic (URBN Dental Uptown Dental clinic)

Taking care of your body and implementing the tips often given is one step to preventing dental problems. The other important step is visiting your dentist and getting your dental area checked. Sometimes we forget to brush teeth, or we become careless. These mistakes affect dental health and a trip to the dental clinic should help correct any upcoming issues. This also applies if you feel your teeth are not well. This includes increased sensitivity and cavities which may affect your health further. A doctor is able to make a diagnosis and determine the general health of your mouth. This helps treat conditions in early stages.

Before and After

8) Choose Your Toothpaste Wisely

Some toothpaste brands are oblivious to dental health and may tend to use excess ingredients or additional harmful ingredients to gain more market. Coming from a professional dentist, fluoride is an important ingredient in any toothpaste because of several functions. One is strengthening the tooth enamel and then neutralising acidic effects on the teeth after taking acidic foods and drinks. Another function is treating weak enamels which had already been damaged. Other ingredients like mint and eucalyptus also have positive effects on teeth as well as fresh breath.

9) Go For Mouth Guard If Your Teeth Suffer From Grinding

Teeth grinding occurs mostly at night when people are asleep. In such a case, a doctor won’t be able to correct because that is a condition or rather a habit. In such a case, visit our dental clinic, and you can get a mouth guard which will help you against teeth grinding at night.

Sometimes dental health may not seem like an important concern, but the effects are bad. Don’t wait until a condition develops then that is when you visit a dental clinic. Try visiting a dentist at least twice in a year and improve your oral health.

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Maria Wilson

Crypto researcher and publisher. Passionate about uncovering the potential of blockchain technology. Sharing my findings through publications and engagements.