Quiz: What Do Your Daily Habits Say About Your Pandemic Work-From-Home Style?

Take the quiz to find out!

3 min readMar 25, 2020
Many find it helpful to write down their daily goals while working remotely during the end of the world.

Question #1: Your typical workday looks like:

A. You’re logged on before sunrise. You skip lunch. Spreadsheets will keep this planet together, and those excel formulas won’t write themselves.

B. You start the day a little later than usual, make yourself 73.4 cups of coffee, take a self-care break at lunch to put on a rejuvenating cucumber face mask, and stream a free yoga class (but get bored halfway through).

C. Wait, can you repeat the question?

You keep track of daily work tasks by:

A. Using a Google Calendar that you shared with your coworkers to keep you accountable, with tasks ranked in order of high-priority to low-priority.

B. Writing in a physical planner, and using sticky notes, and the notes app on your phone, and Slack messages, and carrier pigeons, and Google Docs, and on piece of scrap paper from the junk drawer. You lose track of it all anyway.

C. The only daily task you need to keep track of is when your next nap will be, and it’s right now.

When you take a big ol’ whiff of your




Writer and runner. Published in Slackjaw, The Belladonna, Points in Case, and my top secret diary.