our final presentation: Responsible consumption and production by ActGreen


Food waste

-Each year about one third of all food ends up rotting in the bins of consumers and retailers, or spoiling due to poor transportation and harvesting practices.

-Food production accounts for around 30 per cent of the world’s total energy consumption and accounts for around 22 per cent of total Greenhouse Gas emissions.

-Land degradation, declining soil fertility, unsustainable water use, overfishing and marine

environment degradation are some of the causes of the depletion of our natural resources.

COMPOSTING is the solution

Our idea based on UN’s Sustainable Development Goals is to found an NGO that aims to eliminate the problem of landfills and food waste in Greece.

-Not a lot of people think about their food waste and some of them don’t even know about compost.

-First action: inform people about this method and other ways to eliminate their waste.

From our questionnaires, we saw that Athenians are interested about finding a solution to this problem, but don’t know how. We don’t see other organizations as a competition, but we currently don’t have any. We, as an NGO, want to connect with other NGOs that have similar goals.

How we will deal with the problems:

Our goals:


2.adoption of green and low waste habits by the Greek citizens

3.establishment of central compost bins in parks for people that

can’t compost in their garden in collaboration with SNFCC

Our actions:

1.seminars and workshops in festivals,like Vegan Life Festival.

2.collaboration with SNFCC’s compost programs

3.workshops in offices and work areas, where there is a

massive consumption.

4.collaboration with schools for more fun workshops.

5.actions with volunteering groups,like Ethelon.

Future actions:

1.making a petition form in order to reach to municipalities and

convince them to put central compost bins.

2.national action for establishment of compost bins all over

Athens and Thessaloniki.

The design thinking process helped us a lot. It made us more organized and helped us see the situation clearly. We followed the whole process step by step, which led us to our final innovation idea.

Our next steps:

1.Build more partnerships

2.Organize more events

3.Increase our audience

4.Make a difference

Panteion University-Social Issues, Social Innovation and Corporate Responsibility Course initiated by Betty Tsakarestou

Betty Tsakarestou diana ts Maria Kakoliri Christina Bolanou

check our previous post:

