How to Care for Wool Shawl Wrap and Wool Scarf

2 min readOct 10, 2018


Oversized wool scarf is one winter fashion must-have you just can’t do without. It’s super stylish without any effort, it goes well with almost any outfit and it takes care of you by protecting you from freezing cold weather. Since it takes such good care of you, you must return the favor as well. Wool shawl wrap, wool scarf and wool throw, can last you a decade when given proper care. So without further ado, we share 5 tips to keep your winter scarf looking gorgeous like they were brand new.

  1. NEVER soak your wool scarf in super hot water. Not only will it damage the fabric, but will also make it stretch and lose it original shape.

2. If you are machine washing it, always set your machine to “gentle” mode and always use gentle detergents which are specially made for woolen clothing. As much as possible, try to hand wash it.

3. NEVER wring your wool scarf to remove excess water after wash. One simple hack it to place it on a big body towel till there is no more water dripping then depending on the type of scarf, either hang it dry or just lay it on a clean dry surface.

4. If you stain your beloved scarf (I have done it and it sucks), quickly rinse it with cold water or soda water if easily available. Gently scrub it under cold water to get rid of the stain. After this, add just a bit of gentle detergent to wash away the stain. Pat it dry with a clean dry piece of cloth.

5. If your scarf is made of pure wool like yak wool shawl or angora wool shawl then give it for dry cleaning at least once every winter.

So we hope you found these tips useful. And, here is a vibrant collection of wool shawl wrap and pure wool scarf from MARICHI for you to checkout. Cheers!

