Why and How to Kill Zombie APIs

Marie Pettit
4 min readJul 7, 2023


APIs are becoming a crucial component of contemporary software development. They make it simpler to create more sophisticated systems by enabling communication and data sharing between many applications. However, just like any other piece of software, APIs have the potential to age, become outdated, or become vulnerable, which can result in the emergence of “zombie APIs.” An API no longer in use but still active and functioning is known as a zombie API. It is a relic of an earlier programme or system that has been updated, replaced, or retired. The API is still active, using resources and creating a security risk, although it has no discernible use.

Zombie APIs top the list of security concerns.

A zombie API is a deprecated API used by an application. Because it may have a different level of updated security or inspection than officially maintained APIs, it might be a possible attack vector. As a result, it’s crucial to find and remove zombie API support from applications. In this blog, we will discuss what a zombie API is, detecting it, why getting rid of it is essential, and how to achieve so.

How to Detect a Zombie API

If zombie APIs were simple to find, they wouldn’t be such a problem. The primary issue is that you must be aware of their presence. In light of this, periodically auditing your API inventory is a smart idea. Various contemporary API applications can even automate this procedure by continuously monitoring all open APIs. Another method to assist in preventing zombie APIs is to keep track of a user’s actions across all APIs. The IP addresses and assets received, such as tokens, cookies, or API credentials, can also be recorded.

Finally, several cutting-edge AI/ML technologies to spot potential security breaches will soon hit the market. It’s critical to avoid having that occur in the first place. Hackers frequently employ recognisable behaviours to expose potential flaws and security problems. This strategy will grow more important over time as it can be challenging to discern between malicious API calls and legitimate traffic, allowing businesses to know what users are accessing.

Why Kill a Zombie API

The need to eliminate a zombie API cannot be overstated for several reasons. First, it wastes resources. Even though they are not helpful, zombie APIs consume bandwidth, storage space, and computational resources. This may result in higher expenses and worse system performance. Zombie APIs also present a security issue. They are still functional and accessible despite not being used anymore. Hackers may take advantage of flaws in these APIs to access confidential information without authorisation or to attack the system. Third, zombie APIs might make upgrading and maintaining a system more complex. The time developers must spend researching and testing the API might cause delays and higher expenses. Because they are still determining whether the API is still in use, developers may be reluctant to update or change a zombie API when working on an updated or replacement system.

How to Kill a Zombie API

It takes a meticulous and methodical process to confirm that the API is no longer in use and that it can be securely shut down without any interruptions or adverse effects on the broader system. It’s more difficult to turn off a zombie API. The following actions can be taken to eliminate a zombie API:

Find the Zombie API

To start, you must determine which APIs are zombies. APIs used a while ago or with minimal usage are probably zombies. Analysing server logs, use data, and API documentation can do this.

Make sure the API is no longer required

The next step is to confirm that a zombie API is no longer required once you have located it. Checking with the development team, product owners, or any other stakeholders who could be familiar with the system’s past will accomplish this. Before shutting down the API, it is crucial to make sure it is not still in use.

Plan the shutdown

The next stage is to carefully arrange the shutdown once it has been determined that the API is no longer required. This entails creating a shutdown procedure timeline and informing all stakeholders of the shutdown plan. In order to make sure that shutting down the API won’t have any unintended implications, the schedule should provide testing and validation.

Keep an eye on the setup

It’s crucial to closely monitor the system after the API has been turned off to ensure no unfavourable effects. This involves reviewing server logs, performance metrics, and other pertinent data to ensure the system operates correctly.


In conclusion, zombie APIs are an unnecessary burden on modern software systems, and it is critical to spot and eliminate them to boost security, lower costs, and improve overall performance. To maintain the system’s continuous effectiveness and security, it is crucial to be careful in spotting and removing zombie APIs as software systems develop and become more sophisticated. Identifying the API, confirming that it is no longer required, organising the shutdown, and keeping an eye on the system for any harmful effects are all steps in the meticulous and systematic process of killing a zombie API. Organisations can reduce the danger of zombie APIs and maintain a stable system by following this blog’s suggested actions.

