Basic Phone to A Smart Device

Marie Esther
6 min readApr 29, 2019


Going back in time the first ever communication device and its evolution, a vast comparison is seen its form, structure, feel and its overall concept.We need to thank our founding fathers for introducing the idea of long distance communication. A great mention here would be the name of Alexander Graham Bell, introducing the first ever telephone in the latter half of the 19th Century.

The Idea would then be modified and developed into a much needed and awaited sophisticated device, connecting people all over and across the world. Let us first view the rotary telephone, The design of this telephone is mainly for its rotary dial pad — a classic and vintage design bought by many today as an antique. Of course this era had its potent connectivity via cable and wires. The role of a telephone operator is crucial at the time, the plug ins and plug outs on the switch board for transferring calls.

Telephone Operator on her Switch Board
Rotary Phone

Major corporate firms and offices make use of the intercom for facilitating communication, thus rapidly handling any deals and winding up the work job. The telephone witnesses a turning point in the later half of the 20th Century, when the first ever cordless phone is introduced. When I say cordless, I am referring to the first ever mobile phone, introduced by a Motorola researcher, Martin Cooper. The bulkiest phone of the time, its form , size and structure filling in the whole palm of your hands.

It thus inspired many telecommunication companies to imitate the idea for cordless landline phones. The concept of networking still prevailing during the time, a step ahead would be the introduction of a cellular network for a much portable and compact device. Towards the end of the 20th century we see the emergence of the 1st ever network cellular mobile phone. The brand name every so popular during the time is NOKIA. The blank screen with the black dial on screen numbers and other characters. Saving contacts on its Phone Book. A novelty for text messaging upon long press on each numbers on the dial-pad.


During this time the idea of a box type computer prevails, they would then advance to a coloured screen, thus inserting the ideas with additional features like the music player, a calculator and internet app like icon, camera and themes and displays and customized ringtone. The cellular networks would have its taxing charges on the internet usage. Camera with its flash, for better picture and video quality. The gallery for its storage. The caller had now a face to put. So when the caller calls his/her face appears on the screen. The telecommunication industry and the cellular network start booming here. There are many oppositions and competitors challenging and developing new concepts and designs for their phones, like for instance Sony Erricson, Samsung, Motorola. During the time Nokia did come up with the idea of a smart phone device with the showcase of its N Series devices.

Sony Ericsson

The cell phone companies were evolving in its structure and form factor. Phones were now flip phones and slider phones. Slider phones popular among the youth as a gaming device. The storage space of the phone is given the provision for insertion of micro SD card. The storage space being limited to Mega Byte at the time.

Slider Phones
Flip Phone

The functionality of sending emails, yet another form of communication, messages sent at a lightening speed on PC, to be inserted into the cell phone. Portability a factor and less time consuming. Cell phones were now getting smarter.

It was yet another innovation and a whole new revolutionized era where text messaging and typing and sending emails with its qwerty pad facilitating many working class, the introduction of cell phones like the black berry and the Palm Treo. Palm Treo with its feature touch screen feature has a pocket space within the phone for its stylus to be used on the touch screen.

Palm Treo

This era saw a hero of the century, Steve Jobs. The APPLE company didn’t bloom at the first showcasing of their device. The whole package of ideas and functionality was yet to be experienced by its consumers.

The First IPhone

Challenging the touch screen functionality were many adversaries. The IOS software would now be challenged by the android based phone, first introduced by HTC. The concept was then to be followed by Samsung, Motorola and many others. All packed in one device portable and handy with on screen keyboard. With OS and software updates and upgrades becoming sturdier and a comparatively smoother experience.

HTC’s First Ever Android Device

The once bulky device is now slimmed down. The cellular network from all these stages of first generation, second generation, third generation are now currently using a fourth generation LTE and VOLTE for streaming videos, surfing the net and using all the apps available for use. From calling and text messaging, it is now the time for face time video calling. Skype used on PC is now used on phone, challenging this idea is now followed by Whatsapp’s video calling, Messenger video Calling, Telegram, Viber, Snapchat. With a larger RAM and bigger built in storage space, with an optional micro SD card slot provision on some of the devices. Further debating over which is a better device, the IOS based pricey IPhone or the Android based budget friendly Phones with customized mobile company support software.

IOS vs. Android

Phones nowadays can do much more than calling and text messaging. It reports news, it streams videos, It tells time from different time zones, it pays your bills, it has cloud drive app for your storage conformity and much much more. A whole world in your palm and at ease.

