5 Fun and Simple Activities to Boost Your Toddler’s Cognitive Development Through Play

Marie A Feemster
6 min readApr 28, 2023


Photo by Tanaphong Toochinda on Unsplash

As a parent, you want the best for your child, and one way to ensure their success in life is by fostering their cognitive development. Cognitive development is the process by which a child learns to think, reason, and solve problems. It is a crucial aspect of early childhood education and has been linked to academic achievement later in life. Play-based learning is an effective tool for promoting cognitive development in toddlers. In this article, we will discuss five fun and simple activities that you can do with your toddler to boost their cognitive development through play.

Activity 1: Sorting Objects

Sorting is an important cognitive skill that helps children understand how things relate to each other in the world around them. It is the process of grouping items based on their similarities and differences. Sorting objects by size, color, shape, and texture is a fun and simple activity that you can do with your toddler at home to promote their cognitive development.

For instance, you can use colored blocks to teach your toddler how to sort objects by color. You can start by asking them to pick out all the red blocks and then sort them into a separate pile. You can then repeat the process with other colors. This activity can help your toddler develop their color recognition skills and improve their ability to sort and categorize information.

Similarly, sorting objects by shape is another fun activity that you can do with your toddler. You can use different shaped objects such as circles, squares, and triangles to teach them how to sort objects based on their shapes. You can ask them to pick out all the circles and sort them into a separate pile. You can then repeat the process with other shapes.

Activity 2: Puzzles

Puzzles are an excellent activity to enhance cognitive development in toddlers. They offer an opportunity for children to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are essential for their future academic and personal success. As toddlers manipulate the puzzle pieces, they learn to identify and match shapes, colors, and patterns, which helps build their spatial awareness.

Moreover, puzzles also help to develop hand-eye coordination, which is an essential skill for any toddler. As they attempt to place the puzzle pieces in the correct position, they learn to control their hand movements and improve their fine motor skills. This not only helps with puzzles but also with other everyday tasks such as writing, drawing, and using utensils.

When choosing puzzles for your toddler, it is crucial to consider their age and developmental level. Puzzles with large, easy-to-grasp pieces are suitable for younger toddlers who are just beginning to explore their problem-solving skills. As they get more comfortable with puzzles, you can increase the complexity of the puzzle and gradually introduce smaller and more intricate pieces.

Activity 3: Building Blocks

Building blocks have been a classic and timeless toy that parents have been using for generations to promote cognitive development in toddlers. Playing with blocks helps develop a toddler’s spatial reasoning skills, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

One of the easiest ways to engage your toddler with building blocks is to have them build a tower. Start by showing your toddler how to stack blocks on top of one another, and then encourage them to try it on their own. Building a tower helps your toddler develop hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, and perseverance. It also helps them learn about cause and effect, as they see the tower fall when they knock it over.

Another way to use building blocks is to encourage your toddler to build a bridge. This activity helps develop their problem-solving skills as they try to figure out how to make the bridge sturdy enough to hold objects. Encourage your toddler to experiment with different block sizes and shapes to see what works best. You can even challenge them to build a bridge that can hold a toy car or a small ball.

Lastly, encourage your toddler to use their imagination and creativity to create their structures using building blocks. Provide them with a variety of different blocks, such as wooden blocks, foam blocks, or even cardboard blocks. Let them experiment with different combinations and shapes to create their unique structures. This activity helps promote their creativity and problem-solving skills, as they figure out how to make their ideas come to life.

Activity 4: Sensory Play

Sensory play is a type of play that stimulates the senses, and it is a fantastic way to promote cognitive development in toddlers. Sensory play can include a range of activities that engage your child’s senses of touch, sight, sound, and even smell. Examples of sensory play activities include playing with sand, water, playdough, and homemade slime. Through these activities, toddlers get to explore and discover new things, which can help them develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and problem-solving skills.

When toddlers engage in sensory play activities, they are exposed to different textures, colors, and shapes, which can help them learn to identify and differentiate between different objects. For example, playing with sand can help toddlers develop their sense of touch, as they get to feel the sand between their fingers and toes. This experience can help them understand the properties of sand, such as its texture, weight, and shape, which can promote cognitive development.

Furthermore, sensory play activities can be calming and soothing for toddlers, which can help promote emotional regulation. When toddlers are engaged in sensory play, they are focused on the activity, and this can help them relax and unwind. This relaxation can help reduce stress and anxiety, which can positively impact their overall well-being.

Activity 5: Pretend Play

The fifth and final activity to boost your toddler’s cognitive development is play. Pretend play is a unique activity that helps toddlers to explore and learn about the world around them. Through pretend play, they can act out scenarios that they have observed in real life, such as cooking, cleaning, or taking care of a baby. This activity allows toddlers to use their creativity to imagine different situations and take on different roles. For example, a child can play the role of a chef in a pretend kitchen, where they can experiment with different ingredients, learn about measurements, and develop their problem-solving skills.

Dress-up clothes can also be an excellent tool for promoting pretend play, as they allow children to take on different roles and identities. By dressing up as a doctor, a firefighter, or a superhero, children can explore different careers and learn about the different roles and responsibilities that come with each profession. This type of play can help children to develop their language skills, as they may use new words and phrases that they have learned in their pretend scenarios.

In addition to promoting cognitive development, pretend play also helps toddlers to develop social skills, such as cooperation, communication, and empathy. Through pretend play, children learn how to work together, take turns, and negotiate with others. They also learn how to express their emotions and understand the emotions of others, which is essential for building healthy relationships.

In conclusion, cognitive development is a crucial aspect of early childhood education, and play-based learning is an effective tool for promoting cognitive development in toddlers. Incorporating fun and simple activities into your toddler’s daily routine can help boost their cognitive skills and set them up for success later in life. Remember to include activities such as sorting objects, puzzles, building blocks, sensory play, and pretend play to promote your toddler’s cognitive development.

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Marie A Feemster

Marie is a parenting coach & mom, who helps parents navigate the challenges of raising children. Click the link to get in touch https://lhub.to/mariefeemster