Maria KhvalchikinSemantic Tech HotspotACL 2020: Overview and New BenchmarksWhen the conferences went onlineJul 30, 2020Jul 30, 2020
Maria KhvalchikinSemantic Tech HotspotIJCAI 2019: Towards 5k submissionsTo be precise: 4752 submissions and 850 accepted papers.Sep 16, 2019Sep 16, 2019
Maria KhvalchikinSemantic Tech HotspotSpending Too Much Time on Legal Search? Let AI Help You.Building legal multilingual Question Answering system.Aug 26, 20191Aug 26, 20191
Maria KhvalchikinSemantic Tech HotspotACL 2019: Highlights and TrendsOutlining current Natural Language Processing trends.Aug 12, 2019Aug 12, 2019
Maria KhvalchikinSemantic Tech HotspotSIGIR 2019: Where did all the Information Retrieval go?Directions are clear: more Machine Learning and Deep LearningAug 7, 20191Aug 7, 20191