Service Design. Selection of 2021 articles and images — 1/2

Mariel Macia
3 min readDec 21, 2021


The end of the year is close and it’s always a good opportunity to look back and reflect. Since it’s my annual tradition to re-read the publications I’ve personally enjoyed and learned from during the year, I thought it may be worth it to put them together and share. Then, here they are, you can click through the first of two recaps of 2021 Linkedin posts I've shared and sparked some engagement.

#1: What is service design?

#2: 5 ways to get the most out of your design team

#3: What happens when data scientists and designers work together

#4: Building a design driven culture

#5: What system thinking actually means and why it matters

#6: Forget "fail fast"

#7: Getting started as a newly appointed design leader

#8: Digital Transformation Cartoon

#9: Tools for girls cartoon

#10: To build more inclusive technology, change the design process

#11: Why incompetent people think they are amazing

#12: Practice cartoon

#13: Liberal Arts Majors are the future of the tech industry

#14–23: Link to next recap

