5 tips for a chic and stylish confidence

Marie Marks
4 min readNov 20, 2018


The society has intense expectations of people. We all feel the pressure of being “perfect”, the pressure of being the “somebody” the society expects us to be. As a girl, it’s crazy how much pressure we receive, we must always be perfect, have beautiful straight hair, a skinny waist, curvy hips, a great positive mindset, top grades at school and a great career. All these “labels” stick to who we are on a constant basis and create anxiety, lack of self-love and unneeded worry. In a society where we are judged based on the amount of money we have in our bank account, the number of likes and followers we have on their Instagram, what is confidence?

The first thing that I can tell you is that everything in life is based on your confidence. Today I am going to give you 5 tips for an extremely chic and stylish confidence.

My confidence did not come from anywhere magic, I was not born with it and I was not a very confident person until about the age of 16 years old. I had to deal with a lot of difficulties considering family, friends and environment adaptation, I made all the negativity around me go away and I empowered myself with it.

Nothing was easy and everything took some sacrifices, but my confidence pushed me to achieve quite a lot of things already, travel alone and move on my own to Barcelona at the age of 19 years old. To read the full blog post about moving to Barcelona, I recommend you to click here.

Visualisation is a key to confidence.

The first tip that I would like to share with you would be to visualize yourself where you want to be in six months, in a year, in five years ect. Take the time to project yourself, think about what life could be if you work hard and believe in yourself. Most things, come with a strong mindset, so the first step towards success and a badass confidence is a powerful visualization.

Visualization is a technique used to see the image of yourself with all goals achieved. Low self-esteem and bad confidence are only the results of a poor perception of ourselves. In fact, this perception is often very inaccurate, it’s the result of what you think of yourself and of your surroundings.

Take the time to visualize where you want to be, take the power and be in charge of what you think of yourself. Nobody was born with confidence. It’s up to you to build it up. Confidence is the first step towards any success in life. Remember that every human being has to deal with their inner critics and self-doubts. These self-doubts are often the reason why we don’t feel like we can achieve. Be in charge of your own success. Visualize yourself with success and achievement.

Confidence comes from your inner-self.

Visualization is no the only thing that comes into account for anyone wanting a powerful confidence. It works hand in hand with positive affirmation. You become what you are preaching inside. You should always speak about yourself under a positive light, speak about the positive and beautiful things that surround you rather than speaking about the negative and giving it attention. Positive affirmation and good self-talk are the keys to powerful self-love and confidence.

Stay away from negativity and attract positivity

Confidence and Negativity cannot work together. It’s simply an impossible equation, you cannot have both. Reevaluate your inner circles, involving family and friends; as I have heard many times “ You can choose your friends, you can’t choose your family”. In fact, I had to take some people of my family out of my life because of how negative they were and how much their own negativity affected me badly. Be sure that you are surrounded by positivity, with people that want you to succeed, to achieve bigger than your expectations and that believe in you.

For a powerful confidence and a strong self-esteem, you need to really consider getting away from the individuals who put you down and break your self-esteem. Don’t focus on problems and focus on finding solutions and making positive changes. Always be positive and involve your good mood and excitement towards everything you do.



Marie Marks

Marie is a content creator, girl boss and Business PR based in Barcelona. This blog is a way of sharing her lifestyle, mindset tips and projects! Marie is the r