Feeding Tips to Keep your Pet at an Ideal Weight

Mariha Smith
3 min readJan 10, 2018


Focus on the right diet plan to maintain your dog’s diet and weight. Learn how to and what to do to keep your dog as healthy as possible…

Healthy Diet is a Secret to your Pet’s Health

You may love your dog, giving him all healthy treats and pamper him more. But you might be affecting their health by giving him the favorite treats more often and sharing your food. Over sixty percent. Some pet owners share the food from their plates and everything their dog jumps on just to pamper them. It can actually be life-threatening. Because the pet owners find it quite tough to deny for the favorite food of their pets that they want from their plates.

This way of pampering can be hazardous by causing the obese pets. Vets say pet owners are to blame for their pet’s overweight. However, it suggests keeping your pet at an ideal body weight by taking a good care of their diet. Look at the diet of your pets, what food you choose for them and will help your pets to live at least 15 percent more.

Look at these tips to feed your pet with the right diet plan:

Control their diet

Maintain the body weight of your pet emphasizing on controlled feeding circumstances. They should be exercised, played and practiced before given food. Give an exact amount of food every day as per their nutritional need. Also, you can ask your vet to focus on a controlled diet.

Avoid sharing your food

Sharing food from your plate may be one of the worst things for your pet. Not all human food is safe for your pet so you should emphasize on a healthy diet and ensure the nutritional balance when you want to feed your pet a healthy diet.

Lacking or too many nutrients can be hazardous to your pet. So, avoid feeding them a raw diet, meats, bones, and fruits which are not meant for your pet. Make a few things an occasional diet.

Feed as per the season

Change your pet’s diet according to the season. If your dog loves playing outdoor games, walk and jog with you, you should feed them more healthy diet whereas, reduction in their portion of the diet is necessary during the winters, especially, when they are stuck inside the home. Active dogs may need more calories or nutrients than a lazy pet.

Weighing helps

You should always keep a track of your pet’s weight which is quite tough with older ones. To get an accurate weight, you can choose the dates to visit a vet where you can get a full body check-up. Keeping a track of your pet’s weight ever since their small age is important. Keep an eye if your pet goes 16 to 18 and if he needs a weight management course.

Avoid giving too many treats

Dog treats should be given occasionally so avoid giving him too many treats. Treats are enormous in the dog food market but you should consider your pet’s body weight. Calories from dog treats should not exceed over 10 percent of a dog’s daily calorie intake. Make treats low calorie and healthy so that your pet can enjoy it without bearing the overweight pressure.

Create obstacles to food

Don’t make feeding feasible for your pet. Let him struggle to find food, create a food puzzle and toy that dispenses treats and food while stimulating your dog’s brain. Boredom is also one of the obesity issues that can affect your pet’s health and overall activeness.

Following these feasible ways seem to be very helpful to feed your pet more often without affecting his diet. This is the ideal way of making him healthy and avoid making him an obese pet.



Mariha Smith

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