For the woman who doesn’t feel she deserves it…

Marilena P.
4 min readApr 23, 2023


Have you ever thought that maybe you are the person holding you back from living a life you deserve?

  • Do you settle with someone just because you feel like you can’t find anyone better?
  • Do you stop yourself from starting a conversation with someone because they might reject you?
  • Do you stay at a toxic work environment because you’re scared that the next job could be worse than your current one?
  • Can you spend some time in your head visualising your ideal future?
  • Do you postpone taking that life changing decision?
  • Do you feel anxious when things are calm in your life because you constantly expect something bad to happen?

Then maybe you are what is holding you back from having a fulfilling and worthwhile life!

Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash

From now on maybe you should train your mind to start thinking like this:

You deserve:

  • To wake up, dress up and feel good about yourself just because you want to.
  • To book that trip for a weekend away because you like exploring new places. Even if that means that you do it alone.
  • To drive to the nearest flower shop and buy yourself flowers.
  • To surround yourself with dogs because they make you happy. Go and visit that animal shelter!
  • To change jobs as much as your heart desires because a calm work environment is what you are looking for.
  • To wear clothes that make you feel pretty or comfortable, or both!
  • To surround yourself with only beautiful and energetic people.
  • To be happy, always.
  • To only follow positive people on your social media.
  • To be self-full (instead of selfish) because you need to take care of yourself before taking care of others.
  • To talk about what you’ve achieved because you are your biggest achievement.
  • To earn as much money as you think you’re worth.
  • To go to as many holidays as possible.
  • To stop working hard for the whole day and prioritise self care.
  • To spend a whole afternoon just looking at the sea.
  • To only have positive family members around you.
  • To embrace all the emotions that come your way.
  • To have a calm and clean home.
  • To treat yourself to that bubble bath.
  • To meet that special person you’ve always dreamt of.
  • To protect your mental health.
  • To take care of your body.
  • To have babies if your heart desires.
  • To eat good food.
  • To feel beautiful just wearing your pyjamas.
  • To buy that cute lingerie you’ve been eyeing for a while.
  • To feel safe within yourself.
  • To feel proud for who you’ve become and make sure that everyone else knows it.
  • To trust your gut and do it!
  • To show off your smile.
  • To travel to all your bucket list destinations. Australia, California, Mexico, Japan.
  • To be around people that bring out your calm self.
  • To chase something bigger and better.
  • To remember who your parents are and the good things they’ve offered you.
  • To only make time for things that make you happy. Dogs, nature, good friends, food, working out, meeting inspiring people, relaxing at home, a good cup of coffee.
  • To like your job.
  • To be independent.
  • To write and make money out of it.
  • To only say yes to things that bring you energy.
  • To have the freedom to be your true authentic self and not give a cr*p if not everyone likes you.
  • To have a choice to change your circumstances for the better!
Photo by Eli DeFaria on Unsplash

Once that becomes your new narrative, you can take over the world.

Tip Of The Day:

There’s this cool thing called neuroplasticity, which basically means we can learn new things and ways of thinking all the time. This is why our brain is amazing.

Pay attention to your thoughts because they can either make you or break you.

If you don’t like what you hear, then change it.

Write it down, say it out loud over and over again. Do all the things that will convince you that you’re good enough and your mindset will change!

It’s not easy.

But you can start somewhere. Become your biggest project for the next six months!

The few things that you first need (and totally can) to change though is your environment, what you tell yourself and the people around you! Maybe you need an accountability buddy. If you need one, I can help you and you can help me!

Just start somewhere.

Do you ever feel like you deserve the world?



Marilena P.

Founder of The Unsettled Club. Scientist, Foodie, Traveller & Over-thinker. I write short and sweet articles about experiences, travel and lessons learnt!