Marilyn Messik
2 min readDec 6, 2021



I do. It wasn’t always my intention. In fact I always rather fancied myself as a single-minded, stay-on-track kind of a business person. Well organised, and don’t start the next project until you’ve finished the current one.

However, as you probably know, life has a tendency to bite you on the bottom when you’re least expecting it and it’s often at that point you realise you’ve been kidding yourself. Far from single-minded and focused, you are in fact far more of a shiny ball person — ooh look, there’s another great idea, can’t let that pass.

But then there’s branding, or should I say Branding — because that is, so they say, extremely important, establishing your brand. Well all fine and dandy for the woman I thought I was (see above) not so easy for who I turned out to be. There was a short period when I tried to be sensible but that didn’t last, so here I am. A woman of many hats, several brands and a bee in her bonnet about business, specifically helping individuals go about launching themselves on to the choppy waters of earning an honest crust, and hopefully a whole lot more.

If there’s one thing we’ve found over the last year or so, it’s that attitudes are changing. People who had a hobby saw the possibility of turning interest and aptitude into a side-hustle. People who already had a side-hustle saw how that could in fact grow to earn them a living. People who thought 9 -5 was set in stone, along with time spent getting there in cars, on trains, buses or bikes, looked around and saw another way. Which of course gave fresh thought to those already running larger businesses, paying an arm, a leg and all the rest for office space.

Some loved the status quo, others didn’t, changes overall that we might see may be seismic, may be more molehill than mountain, nevertheless there are individuals who might read this, (I’m hoping for at least 1) who have, or will be launching themselves into different ways of living and earning. The hat I’m wearing whilst writing today is one that might be relevant to you. Keep an eye open.



Marilyn Messik

Author, Copywriter, Business Blaster & Speaker. Dodgy sense of humour, voracious reader, long on cynicism, short on patience, default setting mild hysteria.