The First Color-Changing Car is Finally Here: BMW iX Flow

This is a step up to personalizing your vehicle.

Marina Zherebnenko
4 min readJan 29, 2022
BMW iX Flow at CES tech show
BMW iX Flow at CES Tech Show

Go from stealth mode black to shady grey to clean cool white. And what does it take to make that switch, you ask? Some E Ink technology and the push of a button.

Ok, it’s a little more technical than that, but that’s the gist of it.

BMW recently released the first color-changing car that uses E Ink to personalize your vehicle, including the option to customize the parts of your car that change color.

While the color-changing technology has its limitations in terms of the color scheme, it’s a step to revolutionizing your car’s energy efficiency and mega boosting your ride.

How does the color change work?

BMW iX Flow uses a programmable design film tailored over the car and connected to an electronic source. The film is composed of numerous microcapsules, electrically charged with white and black pigment. When stimulated through an electric current, the film changes color to black or white.

E Ink is an electrophoretic ink that is most commonly used in e-readers, such as Kindle, and commercial displays. BMW incorporated similar electrophoretic ink technology for the iX Flow color film.



Marina Zherebnenko

I write to stories on various topics about life, faith, mindfulness, and psychology.