Happiness, my friend.

Mario Francis
2 min readJul 14, 2021

She's never steady you see, here today and gone tomorrow. She's like the shifting wind.

I often find her in kind acts, receiving—they say givers never lack innit ? She doctorates my cheek each time I care or share.

However it seems I always need to find her, it isn't to say she isn't there but she seeks experession. Freedom. And so I try to spread a little joy by wearing a smile, I believe it warms every heart including mine.

I find her in the laugher of my dad and mum, and in their discipline—birthed from Love. Happiness looked me in the eye and grabbed me by the hands the first day my baby brother was birthed.

Time and time again, she deserts me when a friend, lover or family betrays my trust; but even then I find happiness in forgiveness, in looking over errors. I find happiness when forgiven.

Happiness isn’t fleeting, money is. She comes at no cost. She is as aboundant as time, to be happy you first need to look within, when you find it set it free.

Happiness, my friend; is the content of your heart and not your pocket.

Happiness is a choice and if reading this made you happy, you too have to share this Utopia of Joy.

#30DWC #mariobee

