VueJS PWA And IndexedDB

Mario Brendel
6 min readFeb 7, 2019


So in my last blog entry I’ve talked about how you can create a pwa with the vue-pwa-plugin and what to watch out for. Now we’ll add an indexedDb to our environment so that we can serve our results from the cache if any request fails.

Initialize IndexedDB

At first I’ll recommend you to install a small library called idb.

npm install idb

Since this library works with promises and wraps the IDBRequest I’ll can only recommend to use it. But of course you can still use the indexedDB provided by the browsers.

Afterwards you create a file called schemasync.js

import {openDb} from 'idb';

export const SchemaSyncHandler = {
sync() {
openDb('VueApp', 1, upgradeDB => {
upgradeDB.createObjectStore('todos', {keyPath: 'id'});

and you embed it within your main.js

import {SchemaSyncHandler} from './components/db/schemasync';


This way you ensure that your indexedDb will always be up to date once the app is refreshed by the user.

So what does the sync() operation actually do? It tries to ensure that future requests to your database will already instantiated the tables. Furthermore you give your database a version number and the schema sync will only be applied if the version increases. This way you have a fine control over tables, columns, indexes etc. per version.

Initialize PWA

If you are interested in this topic please check out my latest blog entry. I won’t go into detail how to setup PWA in this article.

Combine PWA with IndexedDB

So the fun part begins. As you’ve seen in my last blog entry the google workbox provides a couple of cache strategies out of the box. We won’t use them here since these strategies heavily rely on the api cache and since we want to use the indexedDB there is no place for them.

So how can we still achieve caching with our indexedDb? For that we take a look at the workbox routing diagram


As we can see if we have a route matched but there was no handler we have the possiblity to react with a fetch listener. To accomplish this we add these lines to our service-worker.js

self.__precacheManifest = [].concat(self.__precacheManifest || []);
workbox.precaching.precacheAndRoute(self.__precacheManifest, {});

workbox.routing.registerRoute('', ({url, event, params}) => {
return fetch(event.request)
.then(response => {
let clonedResponse = response.clone();
clonedResponse.json().then( body => {
self.idb.openDb('VueApp', 1).then(db => {
db.transaction('todos', "readwrite")
return response;
}).catch(err => {
return self.idb.openDb('VueApp', 1).then(db => {
return db.transaction('todos')
.then(values =>
new Response(JSON.stringify(values),
{ "status" : 200 ,
"statusText" : "MyCustomResponse!" }));

Ok… wow that is a lot of code for just handling a fetch. But don’t be scared I’ve already added all indexedDb logic you need ;). So lets break down this snippet line by line.

workbox.routing.registerRoute('', ({url, event, params}) => {
return fetch(event.request)

Instead of working with cache strategy we explicitly define a fetch for this route. If you look at the picture above you will see that this fetch will be called if no handler was registered. To get more informations about the parameters please look here.

.then(response => {
let clonedResponse = response.clone();
clonedResponse.json().then( body => {
self.idb.openDb('VueApp', 1).then(db => {
db.transaction('todos', "readwrite")
return response;

Afterwards we handle the sucess event of the fetch. In this case we want to store the response within our indexedDB. To achieve we first clone the response since you can only read once from the response stream and later uses of the response object would fail. Now we try to get the body informations of the response (the actual data) and store them within the indexedDb via a put (also adds if no entry was found). Lets look a little bit closer at this:

self.idb.openDb('VueApp', 1).then(db => {
db.transaction('todos', "readwrite")

As you can see I use a variable called self. I’ll get to that in a minute — but before that I like to talk about the actual put. As you can see I still use the idb library. The idb library itself works with promises and lets us create a transaction which is in the “readwrite” mode to actually store values. The put function then searches for the defined keyPath (id of our requested object) and stores the response body in the indexedDb if it wasn’t found.

Our catch block now tries to serve the response body if the network isn’t available.

.catch(err => {
return self.idb.openDb('VueApp', 1).then(db => {
return db.transaction('todos')
.then(values =>
new Response(JSON.stringify(values),
{ "status" : 200 ,
"statusText" : "MyCustomResponse!" }));

Luckily the catch block takes either a response or a promise as a return value so that we can return our open promise from the indexedDb. As you can see the call itself is actually pretty similar to our ‘then block’. The only difference is that we call the getAll() method on the transaction and wrap the content into a promise.

So there is only one question left. How was I able to use idb within my service-worker. Sadly the service worker won’t be compiled with webpack as you can see here. So there are only 2 options left. Generating the service-worker.js in a seperate project where it then will be compiled with webpack or a little workaround. I’ve decided to use the second choice since it is easier to get going. But I would recommend you to use the first choice for larger projects. So here is how I’ve done it.

At first changed the vue.config.js a little bit

workboxOptions: {
swSrc: 'src/service-worker.js',
importScripts: ['idb.js']

As you can see I’ve added the importScripts option where I’ve defined that the service worker has to import the idb.js script when compiled. After that I’ve downloaded the idb.js from the github repository and added it to my public directory. This way the idb.js will also be available within my dist directory.

If now the importScripts will be called within the compiled service-worker.js you have access to the idb Object via the self object of the service worker (this is where all imported script objects will be registered).

And thats it — as you see it isn’t that hard to add indexedDb possibilites if you know where to look :).

Drawbacks of connecting IndexedDb with service worker

To be honest most of the times you should rely on the caches provided by the workbox strategies. You don’t really gain anything by using indexedDb instead of the caches. Furthermore you might introduce unexpected behavior into your app since another developer might see at first that results will be delivered by the indexedDb.

In my opinion you should use the indexedDb for your actual Http requests. i.e.

.then(e => console.log(e))
.catch(e => console.log("load indexedDb data here"));

This way it is perfectly clear whats happening if the request fails.

When it is useful to connect IndexedDb with the service worker

There are still reasons why you might want to use the indexedDb within your service worker. The main reason might be that you have js files from a third party(still under your domain) that are taking requests where you can’t handle the responses. If you now manipulate the responses via the service worker and you can provide data via the indexedDb it is a perfectly good reason to use this approach.

So I hope you have learned a little bit today :).

If you still have any questions left feel free to write a comment or e-mail me :).

