A reporter once asked Muhammad Ali how many sit-ups he performed a day to stay in great shape.

Mario Ashley
1 min readJan 18, 2018


His reply, “I don’t know because I don’t start counting until it hurts”.

Training the way I do, it never gets easier. I understand that. I respect it. And I’m okay with it. I expect it to get hard.

Physical training has always been the place I’ve sought to develop mental toughness.

I’ve never understood the popularity of pushing supplements as the secret to reducing the uncomfortable nature produced by hard work. “Drink this special shake and you’ll never feel tired again.” “Take this post workout shake and you won’t get sore”

The irony is that if that actually worked it would take away the very thing that makes training great. Without struggle, there is no growth.

Its hard to get motivated to train sometimes but it quite easy for me to compete. Competition forces me to dig deep into my soul and see what I’m truly made of.

I don’t run away from it, rather, I hope and pray these moments come to me. It is in those instances that I’ve developed my greatest strength both physically and mentally.





Mario Ashley

I’m a husband, father, son, brother, business owner