Mario Lazo
2 min readMay 27, 2020


Managing Stress as College Student

Stress is defined as the mental and physical response and adaptation by our bodies to real or perceived change and challenges. The stress is part of the daily life in every person and we as college student are highly exposed to that many common stresses for college students are the college pressure, work, money problems and many others.It explain the phases of the general adaptation syndrome and the physiological challenges that occur during them. When the levels of stress are low the body is often in an state of homeostasis, or balance. The adaptive response is the physiological adjustment the body makes to restore the homeostasis. The homeostasis stages are: the alarm stage, the resistance stage, and the exhaustion stage. Mrs. Donatelle who is physiologist explains that the physical health risk that may occur in period of high stress level. When our levels of stress are high our body respond in different ways and those are: the urine production decreases, more blood flows to the brain, perspiration increases, On the other hand. when our levels of stress are high constantly, we may get risk to get some physical diseases like: Diabetes, weight gain, cardiovascular disease and digestive problems. The factors that may influence whether or not a person is able to cope with stressors. The stress response may different from every person to other but some important factor that define the level that stress affects us is: appraisal, and the self-esteem and self-efficacy.

As a conclusion. Every person has to deal with stress during the life-time, but not everybody responds the same way to the stress. In our position as a college student, where we are exposed to many stressors like college, work, money problems, family commitments etc. we must learn how to deal with stress in a proper way to avoid future illnesses caused by stress. Other than that, our psychological responses are very important and if we don’t lead with the stress properly it may cause depression. In fact, we must learn to deal with the stress in our daily lives.



Mario Lazo

College student at California State University of Northridge. Mathematics major that cares about different aspects in current society.