Learning to Fail Gracefully — 10 Leadership Goals That Only The Best Leaders Set for Themselves

Road Of The Love
2 min readApr 26, 2020

Learning to Fail Gracefully

Only the best leaders strive for perfection knowing that perfections is nothing else then the illusion which can never be attained. As such, the only thing one can do is to except to fail often, if not often then at least so many times to fail as they have succeed and simply count those failures in to equation !

We are all only human beings and as such we are imperfect. That means that trying to cover up your mistakes, your failures, blaming others or giving up in to rage not only that deprives you of the opportunity to learn from your loses but also deprives you to grow as a leader. The best leaders are never afraid to fail, are never ashamed from failures but instead of that they fully examine they losses so they can make adjustments and improvements for the future. Every great leader refuses to let the value of they mistakes pass them by.

This is the only way trough a really great leader can walk away from his mistakes and failures with dignity and grace, thereby empowering others and allowing others to do the same. As leader you are not only the wolf who is leading the pack but you are also the inspiration, the teacher who is showing others which way they should go. Only the best among the best are able to follow this path and you are probably here to walk that path. You know that you mistakes are not describing your character, that they are describing your spirit, your young spirit which is thirsty for knowledge. The best lessons you can get, the one which no money can buy are the ones which you get trough the experience and we know both that experience is not cheap, just on the contrary its quite expensive.

So do not ever be afraid to do mistakes, because you can not have wisdom, you can not become smarter if you are not willing to do mistakes. When your employees see that you are willing to do mistakes, know that they are also be willing to do mistakes, just so they can learn something, and its always good for you if you can get on the knowledge knowing that you are not the one who did the mistake. So love your employees who are willing to take the risk, because those employees are like the gold, like the diamonds really hard to find but also hard to get !

