A Brief Introduction about Coronavirus: Mario Prisciandaro


Coronviruses are a group of viruses that typically cause a wide range of symptoms, such as the common cold, mild illness, lower airway infection, in addition to serious illnesses like bronchitis and pneumonia. According to Mario Prisciandaro, lots of individuals get infected with coronaviruses, and the new coronavirus causing ‘covid-19’ illness is a serious threat these days.

The virus that causes covid-19 has been identified as ‘SARS-CoV-2’. It appeared in Wuhan (China) in December, 2019. Since then, the outbreak has spread in China and many other countries all over the world. The WHO has declared this new coronavirus as a public health emergency of worldwide concern. The most common symptoms include high fever, dry cough, tiredness, a sore throat and a runny nose. In nearly all severe cases, individuals with the virus can develop difficulty in breathing, and it may finally lead to organ failure, including death.

At the moment, there are no drug treatments or vaccines for coronaviruses, but research is constantly going on to develop a vaccine for the treatment of covid-19. A trial of the most promising drugs, including antimalarial drug ‘hydroxychloroquine’ is also underway. Furthermore, other antiviral drug (remdesivir) and two HIV drugs (lopinavir and ritonavir) are also being vigorously tested.

According to Mario Prisciandaro (Health Expert), lots of other potential treatments are being investigated, mainly with the hope of developing antibodies against covid-19.



Mario Prisciandaro Health Expert

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