“Aren’t the Earth and pizza both round”? PizzaDAO, aiming to be the 21st century version of McDonald’s

Mariko Nishimura
5 min readSep 9, 2023


In 1969, Buckminster Fuller, who advocated for the “Spaceship Earth” concept, stated that in an era where communication advancements make it possible to be aware of the entire globe, considerations like race and nationality become nonsense. Fast forward through the spread of the internet and with the imminent popularization of blockchain, there’s a man continuing Fuller’s philosophy.

His name is Snax. Guided by the belief that “pizza should be free”, he has been expanding the global community of PizzaDAO. Monthly pizza parties are organized around the world, connecting people. While their primary activities involve hosting pizza parties at blockchain, NFT, and DAO conferences, they also distribute free pizza to social impact organizations. They support groups such as Slice Out Hunger, sdmbokji, Happiness Now, Denver Rescue Mission, and other local non-profits worldwide, thus contributing to society.

Snax, a founder of PizzaDAO

I met him at a New York NFT event in the fall of 2021. Attracted by his joyful distribution of free pizzas, I began to get involved with PizzaDAO. Now, I assist in organizing the annual Global Pizza Party in Tokyo on May 22 as a member of PizzaDAO.

PizzaDAO’s model is simple: raise funds through NFT sales and sponsors, then distribute free pizzas. In Japan, from 2021 onwards, they’ve been distributing free pizzas to over 100 attendees, funded by PizzaDAO and corporate sponsors. The allure lies in the combination of free pizza and networking within the NFT and blockchain communities. This year, Masaki Fujihata, a media artist who creates blockchain-based art, also gave a talk on “Blockchain and Art”.

“Aren’t the Earth and pizza both round? Sharing pizza is simple and very fun. Plus, pizza is a universal language known worldwide,” Snax enthusiastically explained.

While assisting in the Japanese events, my conversations with Snax sometimes perplexed me. Applying traditional business metrics to PizzaDAO — like monetization strategies and sponsor acquisition — seemed to miss the mark. PizzaDAO simply moves forward with the vision that “pizza should be free.”

This simplicity has garnered appeal, and this year’s Global Pizza Party attracted 9,300 participants across 116 cities in 70 countries.Including the support of corporate sponsors who see the benefits of holding parties, PizzaDAO is a profitable operation.

One could argue that PizzaDAO represents values and beliefs counter to the prevailing narratives of today’s society. In a world filled with expansionist thinking, promotion, and exaggeration, Snax stands firm with a resounding “NO.” The genesis of PizzaDAO was the “The Room About Nothing” on the audio-based social media platform, Clubhouse. In many Clubhouse rooms, people relentlessly propagated expansionist business models and self-promotion. Growing weary of such rooms, the “The Room About Nothing” was created. It was a space for mundane conversations, like sharing what one had for lunch. This unscripted human connection felt welcoming, and the extension of this sentiment became PizzaDAO.

Observing PizzaDAO and Snax’s activities, it feels as though Snax might be the ultimate embodiment of a community manager. As we delve into our interview with Snax, every word and every stance feels incredibly genuine. This purity is what draws people in, giving birth to a global movement. Reminiscent of Derek Sivers’ famous TED talk on “How to Start a Movement,” one can’t help but wonder if Snax might be that pivotal first dancer.

First, I asked about the background and his career that led him to establish PizzaDAO.

Snax: “I’ve been a community organizer for PizzaDAO since January 2021. I’ve been interested in cryptocurrencies and blockchain since 2011, but even before that, I was involved in online community activities. With the proliferation of the internet, sharing became global, yet I cherished local community ties. I manage an information-sharing group called ‘South Silly’ for South Philadelphia. Started in 2008, over 13,000 people participate now, sharing photos of local events or peculiar happenings, like a watermelon found on the street.

‘South Silly’ is like a bulletin board where members share fun posts and events. It’s always delightful, and the fun is seeing the community enjoy and connect.”

courtesy of Snax

Connecting people ultimately connects to business. While business discussions increasingly center on community-driven and relationship-driven strategies, perhaps it’s essential to have community managers like Snax, who genuinely feel joy from connecting people.

The Global Pizza Party, promoted by PizzaDAO to commemorate Laszlo Hanyecz’s purchase of two pizzas for 10,000 BTC on May 22, 2010, is now held in 70 countries. What’s their future vision?

Snax: “We’re considering land purchases long term, specifically properties that already house pizzerias. We have a global pizza network, so we can develop menus and provide software support and optimize the supply chain through the community.

In a sense, it’s McDonald’s-like on a global scale, but without the uniformity. We want to respect the individuality of each store. Ensuring pizza’s deliciousness while cherishing the uniqueness of each venue is crucial. We aim for a decentralized web3 approach since PizzaDAO also connects on the blockchain. In essence, we’re thinking of creating something like a 21st-century version of McDonald’s.”

While it’s crucial to approach business and projects with a logical mindset, the genuine human sentiments of something being “delicious” or “fun” cannot be overlooked. Snax’s words resonate more with the heart than the brain, reminding us of the importance of such authentic feelings. Using pizza as a universal language, PizzaDAO’s approach beautifully demonstrates the joy of sharing. It is essential in a decentralized, self-sufficient world, where people connect and nurture a spirit of mutual aid.

Buckminster Fuller, beloved by Snax, is known not only for coining the term “Spaceship Earth” but also for advocating global thinking with the phrase “Think Global, Act Local.” He influenced the legendary “Whole Earth Catalog,” which in turn had a significant impact on figures in the hippie culture, including Steve Jobs. When viewing the simple message, “pizza should be free,” in the light of this historical context, it weighs heavily.

Next time you enjoy a pizza, remember Snax.

courtesy of Snax

This article is written for Forbes Japan. This is the English version.



Mariko Nishimura

Pollinator®︎🐝🍯 / HEART CATCH Inc. / https://twitter.com/mariroom/ @MeebitsDAO / 武蔵野美術大学大学院 客員教授 / http://naro.tv / discord : mariroom#7520