Journey To The Top

Marisa Gonzalez
3 min readMay 3, 2016

As William Shakespeare once wrote, “some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them”. I strongly believe that Maddie Roberts was one of those lucky few that was born great.

I first met Maddie my junior year of college after transferring to Washington State University and joining my sorority, Alpha Chi Omega. Maddie was one of the first people that approached me and made me feel welcome. Her spunky personality and beaming smile were unforgettable, and I knew in that instant that she was the light of the sorority. She was the girl I wanted to befriend, and aspire to be like.

There are several distinct qualities that make up a good leader. She must be strong, intelligent, confident, selfless, and have a passion for serving people. Maddie Roberts is the epitome of all of these things. There is no doubt that she has been a natural leader her entire life. She is a standout academically, athletically, and in each of her extra curricular activities. Her ability to command the attention of an entire room seems effortless, and her eloquent way with words makes it impossible for her peers not to listen to what she has to say.

Playing collegiate tennis, getting involved in multiple clubs and honor societies, and holding a position on the Alpha Chi Omega executive board, all while maintaining a 4.0 GPA was a normal routine for Maddie. Nothing ever seemed like it was out of her reach. If she wanted it, she was going to find a way to not only get it, but to do it better than anyone else.

In the winter of her freshman year, Maddie Roberts ran for the AXO executive board, which in the past was primarily made up of junior and senior members. After elections concluded, the votes were tallied, and Maddie had won by a landslide. Maddie was awarded the position of Alpha Chi Omega’s VP of Intellectual Development for the 2014–2015 term. In this role, Maddie was able to serve the chapter by sharing her love for knowledge, and ensuring that the rest of the members stayed focused on their studies and reached their full potential.

As her term started coming to a close a year later, it was no surprise her sights were set even higher for the following year. When she announced that she would be running for Chapter President, the rest of the members were estatic, and even her competition knew that there was no way Maddie wouldn’t win. After elections were over, she accepted her position as the 2015–2016 Chapter President graciously and with confidence, as the first sophomore president the Omega chapter has ever had.

Maddie took her position very seriously, and instead of maintaining and sticking with the same flawed system Alpha Chi had been running with for years, she pushed the boundaries and fought for a change.

At the time, this wasn’t the popular vote, but as a leader she saw it was important to not follow the path that would gain the most member’s approval, but to take a stand and fight for what would make us all better women, and a better sorority as a whole. Her vision for this chapter and her drive to make her vision a reality inspired so many members throughout her term, myself included.

Much of Maddie’s success can be attributed to the support and the confidence instilled by her parents from a young age. On Bid Day her freshman year, when a young Maddie Roberts accepted her invitation to join Alpha Chi Omega as a new member, her father can be quoted in a Facebook comment saying, “Great job Maddie…You’ll probably be running the place in a year or two…” Little did he know, this statement would foreshadow a term of great leadership and necessary change.

Maddie Roberts will forever remain a legacy here at the Omega Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega at Washington State. The legacy she left will continue to inspire each generation for years to come.

