PinnedEmpowering the Empath. Not Obsessing Over the Abuser.Empaths who endure covert abuse and coercive control must shift their attention from analyzing the abuser to healing themselves.Jul 9, 202411Jul 9, 202411
PinnedOwning Your Own Life As An EmpathRecognizing Patterns of Locus of ControlAug 21, 20248Aug 21, 20248
5 Signs Codependents Are Practicing Self-Violence in the Name of KindnessThe Hidden Harm of CodependencyJan 251Jan 251
7 Red Flags of CodependencyCodependency can sneak up on you, especially when you’re used to putting others first. Here are 7 warning signs to watch out for so you can…Jan 212Jan 212
How to Search for Documents by File Type on a MacI recently ran into a situation where I needed to find specific files on my Mac but didn’t know the quickest way to narrow the search by…Dec 24, 20243Dec 24, 20243
Pencil vs. Keyboard? Which Unlocks Your Best Writing?When I draft a Medium article on the computer, my ADHD takes over as I type. My associated delusions of superhuman productivity are not far…Dec 17, 20241Dec 17, 20241
Coming Back from Medium BurnoutBefore yesterday’s article, I hadn’t published on Medium since September 3rd.Oct 13, 202411Oct 13, 202411
The Change on BritBox is Brilliant Feminist TVI’ve been watching The Change on BritBox. It is a sitcom about women, particularly related to menopause.Oct 12, 2024Oct 12, 2024
5 Common Obstacles for People-Pleasing Entrepreneurs & How to Overcome ThemShifting Your Business from External Pressure to Internal PowerSep 3, 202415Sep 3, 202415