When People Start to Pay Attention to Your Work

Marissa Calderón
4 min readMay 29, 2018


2018 Southeast Maricopa Regional Council Board and Me with my plaque!

I’ve been in the Early Childhood field for over 20 years, so I’ve experienced a lot in my day after beginning my career straight out of high school. I’ve had different types of roles: from direct care, to administrative, to leadership positions overseeing programs and employees.

So when I was told that I was receiving recognition for my work, I was honestly speechless (this doesn’t happen often). One of my past podcast guests, Susana Ibarra-Johnson informed me that the Southeast Maricopa Regional Council for First Things First had named me as 2018’s Champion for Young Children. I was blindsided!

It is truly an honor to be recognized, as the public suggests nominees and proceeds through a voting process. This recognition was especially ironic to me since, in 2006, I was a member of the Valley of the Sun AEYC Board and specifically part of the committee with Nadine Basha to put Prop 203 on the Arizona ballot. I even have a photograph of all of us with our Prop 203 signs somewhere in my home, I swear!

First Things First

Proposition 203 increased the state tax on cigarettes by 80 cents per pack, with similar increases on other tobacco products. The additional tax raised through the tax increase on cigarettes are earmarked for programs that support early childhood education administered through a fund called the Arizona Early Childhood Development and Health Fund, AKA First Things First.

It was ironic that the agency which many of my close colleagues and I had helped create was now recognizing me for my years’ worth of work in the early childhood field.

It’s pretty awesome to me. I’m honored to have even been nominated.

Speaking of awesome, none of my work would have been possible without the help, support, guidance, mentoring and other awesome influences from my colleagues and friends. Throughout this journey, many of them have provided an outlet for my work, connected me to work, and have pushed me to continue to do it. The recognition from First Things First was given to me, but I accept it on behalf of many of us in these positions that do the heavy work in partnering with children and families at some capacity.

Anything that I can use to amplify our collective early childhood voices to bring awareness of the importance of the work, I will gladly exploit! I’m unapologetic when saying that I’m relentless in advocating for children and family services, and sharing that the data is clear on the return on investment in doing so.

90% of a child’s brain develops before they start kindergarten. And research shows that the quality of a child’s experiences in their first five years helps shape how their brain develops.

One of my favorite things to do is to connect any type of business, program or person to early childhood. There’s always a connection…which is why I like to remind those outside of the industry (especially my colleagues in the startup, tech and business communities in Arizona) that everything starts with early childhood. That’s our future workforce!

I am thankful for the recognition and I am grateful for the opportunity to use it to shine the spotlight on so many others that are also advocating on behalf of children and families.

To learn more about the work I do, visit my website. To learn more about the Arizona Early Childhood think-tank I collaborate with, visit Alesi Group’s website here.

Se Habla Español. También quiero mencionar que gran parte de mi trabajo con niños y sus familias ah sido con la comunidad latina, especialmente los que hablan más español que inglés. Siendo Mexicana y primera generación en este país sé lo de la importancia que el reconocimiento tiene. Mi experiencia y dedicación a la profesión ah sido debido de la inspiración y amor que muchos me han prestado para seguir adelante en esta profesión. Es por ellos que me dan las ganas todos los días para luchar por nuestras comunidades.


Look at me at 4 years old holding my bunny!



Marissa Calderón

Zen, LOVE & Tacos, those are some of the things I enjoy. Plus my kids, husband and my #EarlyEd & Non-Profit Community Org work.