Lightworkers’ Creed

MK Podgorski
3 min readNov 26, 2018


So many thieves have stolen my Mind
Seeking me out for their help, then leaving me in a Bind
The Bind of Guilt if I ever do decline
The invitation to accept their Time being worth far more than mine
I sit there and listen to their problems at small and at large
Never a penny could I have the conscience to charge
The endless hours I put into my work
Of easing the Hearts of others, even though the feelings of my own Heart I shirk

I wrestle with my worries over others’ well-beings at Night
My quest to help them find Harmony, my eternal plight
Yet as we start to catch glimpses of their Soul and True Being
They quickly extinguish the Flame and without thought they start fleeing
They might begin to distance themselves and fill their days with distractions
Forgetting about me, leaving my Heart in contractions
Laying waste to my tireless efforts and discarding my advice
To my dismay, they return to Unknowingness and to every old controlling vice
I held on to every word they said
Shed a tear for every tear they shed
Only to be called upon when they need me… to be used, forsaken, then stranded
Alone with their Energy that I exorcised and disbanded
I take the time to understand their anxieties and anguish
I feel their feelings and Thoughts, and I languish
I absorb their sorrows and Memories as their confidant and their friend
And in the end I can expect to be abandoned, left alone with my own Heart to mend

I will repeatedly blind myself to the notion that I’m just comfort food to them
Looking past the fact that they never once ask how I am
Never once bothered to ask how I so very well know
The feelings of emptiness, worthlessness, a Heart sunken by woe
Never once did they ever care to consider
That my many prison sentences with the Darkness should have left me bitter

But it would never be right to let others know why or how I can feel their pain
So let us Lightworkers pledge a promise to try our best not to complain!
For these negative Thoughts weaken our Aura and weigh down our Wings!
Making it difficult to focus on Love and the Healing that it brings
And although we Wish someone would reach out to us when we suffer in Silence
We know very well that our Gift is polished through Solitude and reticence

So, console others anyway… despite the fact that your problems may be far worse than theirs
Keeping in mind that judgment and self-pity are invented by the Ego from its gutter of dares
Do not expect others to want to Know you… to truly Love you… to Care
…When they can’t even be troubled to Know themselves, scared that it’s too much to bear

So, I choose to just Trust in my Hope and in my Gift
That with everyone I meet, I raise up their Hearts, no matter how heavy they are to lift
And even though they may never give me the credit or Thanks I humanly crave
I know that Our Beloved is singing praise for my efforts in taking on Hearts I try to kindle and Save



MK Podgorski

Experiencing Life the best I can in a world in which there is no shortage of stupidity…