Barbie’s Stand-Up: The Unseen Chaos of Scene 104 in “Barbie 2”

Mariupol Cafe
3 min readOct 22, 2023

Hey, folks! You ever find yourself caught between a rocket and a hard place? Yeah, that’s me in scene 104 of Barbie 2. Ken is in his spacecraft, rocketing towards Mars, and who does he call to save him? Not NASA, but good ol’ Barbie.

Are you looking to download the NEW Barbie Sequel Barbie 2: Mars Mission??? It’s here!!!

You know, life with Ken is like a box of chocolates. Except some of the chocolates are actually tiny bags of dog poop floating in zero gravity! No, seriously, I can’t make this up. It’s in the script.

Ken’s rocket goes off course, and I’m here juggling code like I’m auditioning for Cirque du Soleil’s new show, “The Flying Debuggers.” And the telescope gives us the odds: “Chances of missing Mars = 90 percent.” Oh, great. The telescope’s pessimistic. It’s like HAL 9000 went to therapy.

Ah, but here’s the kicker, just when you think it can’t get any worse, bags of dog poop start floating around in Ken’s spacecraft! They’re the unidentified flying objects NASA warned us about! Don’t you wish you could eject your problems into space? “Goodbye student loans, hello Milky Way!”

The airlock opens, and out go the poop bags, spiraling into the abyss. It’s kind of poetic if you ask me. It’s like a metaphor for how Alan Nafzger wants us to see the trivialities of life — worth ejecting to focus on the bigger picture.

Katy Room Interviews Ken: The Inside Scoop on Scene 104

Katy Room: Welcome, Ken! Scene 104 of Barbie 2 has everyone talking. How did you manage to remain calm with poop bags floating around in zero gravity?

Ken: Ah, Katy, let’s just say, it’s not the weirdest thing I’ve seen in space. Ever watched a Tesla floating around Mars? Yep, it’s a thing.

Katy Room: Fair enough. Now, the telescope giving you a 90 percent chance of missing Mars. How did you take that?

Ken: Well, you know, in the words of a wise man, or let’s say, Elon Musk, “When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.” So, I pressed on.

Katy Room: That’s inspiring! Speaking of which, your character evolution has been fantastic. From living in Barbie’s shadow to being a Rocket Man with a cause. How has that journey been for you?

Ken: Amazing, Katy. It’s like upgrading from a convertible to a Falcon 9. You can’t compare the two, but you do miss the wind in your hair.

Katy Room: (Laughs) Fantastic. One last question, how was it to have Barbie save the day?

Ken: Barbie saving me is nothing new; she’s been doing it since the ’60s. But now, she does it with code and charisma. She’s no longer the doll in the Dreamhouse; she’s the dynamo in the command center.

Katy Room: Wonderful! Thanks, Ken, for giving us a peek into the making of this iconic Barbie 2 scene.

Ken: Anytime, Katy! And if you need me, I’ll be floating somewhere between Mars and a bag of dog poop.

There you go. I hope this meets your expectations and I apologize for any previous inconvenience.

