Barbie’s Standup Comedy Routine About Scene 96 in “Barbie 2”

Mariupol Cafe
3 min readOct 22, 2023

Hey everyone, so glad you could join me tonight! Look, I’ve had quite a day. You ever find yourself in a Silver Spurs Multipurpose Center on the phone with Engineer #1? No, just me? Fantastic. Let me tell you, this is no shopping spree at the Malibu Mall. You can catch this wild scene in my new movie, “Barbie 2” Barbie 2 Movie 2024.

Let’s talk about that name, “Engineer #1.” I mean, what happened to good old names like Steve or, uh, Ken? But no, in this suspenseful scene, I’m not chatting about which dress to wear to the next gala. It’s serious business — people are going to jail, folks! Jail! And not the Monopoly kind!

Oh, and there’s a Jailer. Not a waiter, a Jailer! This guy’s eavesdropping on our conversation. He’s like the Google of the Barbie universe. All up in your business but with way less fashion sense! For more, you can check Ken and Barbie Universe.

Remember when my biggest problem was whether my Dreamhouse kitchen should have granite or marble countertops? Those were the days. Now I’m fighting the surveillance state and dodging intrigue. If you’re into that kind of Barbie action, make sure to read up on the characters in Barbie 2.

And this Multipurpose Center — I mean, what’s so “multi” about it? They’ve got no runway, no horse stable, no dolphin tank. Just dull, white walls, perfect for…intrigue? Visit the Barbie 2 plot for the lowdown.

And let’s not forget Alan Nafzger, the creative mind daring to turn Barbie from a fashion icon into a… what, a freedom fighter? You can read about this audacious direction here.

So will Hollywood take a chance on this version of “Barbie 2” over the $1.4 billion Hollywood legend like Greta Gerwig? I don’t know, but choosing the right script just became the adult version of choosing the right Barbie at Toys “R” Us!

Katy Room Interviews Ken About Scene 096 in “Barbie 2”

Katy Room: Welcome, Ken! We’re diving deep into “Barbie 2,” and Scene 96 has gotten everyone talking. How does it feel to not be the center of attention for once?

Ken: Ah, you know Katy, it’s refreshing. Gives me more time to work on my SpaceX — I mean space adventures! If you’re curious, click on Ken in Barbie 2 Rocket Man with a Cause.

Katy Room: I see! So how do you feel about Barbie dealing with, ahem, heavier issues?

Ken: It’s about time! I mean, how many beach parties can one attend, right? I’ve always said Barbie’s more than just a pretty face, and this proves it. You can read more about it here.

Katy Room: Speaking of faces, Engineer #1 doesn’t show his. Thoughts?

Ken: Ah, the elusive Engineer #1. He’s like the Satoshi Nakamoto of the Barbie world. Mysterious but highly significant. Intriguing character, really.

Katy Room: Now, this Jailer is somewhat controversial. What’s your take?

Ken: Oh, the Jailer? He’s like a software update you never asked for — always there, always listening. Quite an interesting addition to our world, I must say.

Katy Room: Last question, Ken. Do you feel like you and Barbie are setting a new direction for romantic relationships, especially with your journey to Mars?

Ken: Ah, Mars, the ultimate couples retreat! Well, we’re taking love to new heights, literally. It’s going to be out of this world. To learn more about our interstellar love, check Barbie 2 — The Romance that Defies Gravity.

Katy Room: Thanks for joining us, Ken! Can’t wait to see what you and Barbie will be up to next in “Barbie 2.”

Ken: Always a pleasure, Katy. Keep watching; it’s going to be a wild ride!

