3 Instant Ways to Increase Your Google Ranking

Anyone can implement these three essential points to make their product visible on Google, Bing, and Co.

Marius Bongarts
9 min readNov 2, 2022
Photo by SIMON LEE on Unsplash — Iceberg
Photo by SIMON LEE on Unsplash

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a highly complex subject area. Not for nothing, there are many highly-paid experts in this field. Similar to programming, no one has mastered the subject 100%.

While it's tough to reach the tip of the iceberg, the first steps to getting visible on Google in the first place are straightforward. In this article, I would like to describe three essential points that anyone can easily implement to make their product visible on Google.


A few weeks ago, I was a developer with virtually no SEO knowledge. Like many, I built a product and waited for what will happen.

Then, I decided not to take things by luck or chance anymore. I took fortune into my own hands, grabbed two SEO books, and read many articles online.

The great thing about SEO is that you can see results very fast. When I started three months ago, my online web highlighter page had around 40 search impressions on Google daily — Today, there are about 2,400! (Edit Dec 15th: ~5,000)



Marius Bongarts

Passionate about building exceptional products | Quality > Growth ❤️ Sharing my journey of growing a Chrome Extension to >100K users 💡 3x Medium Top Writer ⭐️