How was my interview at Euroclear Bank

Marius Pop
3 min readJan 3, 2020


In the section below I am going to the describe the interview experience I had back on March 2019 at Euroclear Bank (one of the highest-rated financial companies in the world). Of course I will respect the NDA and will not share confidential details.

The First LinkedIn Message

This message came out of the blue, I did not apply for anything like this before. Anyway, I said why not and let’s give it a try so I replied.

In the next 30 minutes I received the job description and the information that my CV has been processed and further sent to one of the recruiter’s colleagues.

The Phone Call

After a week, the second person (from Belgium, this time) got to me via phone call. She started with some personal non-technical questions about myself and my lifestyle, and after that we moved to some more major-related ones like my software development experience, the technologies that I used on the previous projects and the working methodologies I am familiar with. Moreover, by the end of the call she told me that I will receive an answer within two or three days, but 30 minutes after we hanged up, I got the following email.

So I said to myself “alright, we’re flying to Brussels :)”


I bought the tickets and I got to Brussels by the time she told me to. There were people from every part of the planet. The meeting started with the presentation about Euroclear and their technology departments and infrastructure. Just as mentioned in the email, after the presentation I had to take 2 tests, a logical and an analytical one (not so difficult but tricky). We had a 30 minutes snack break followed by 4 interviews with 4 different managers (3 of them were technical and logical and 1 of them was with the HR Recruiter)

Back to Romania

When I was on my way to Charlerois Airport in order to go back home, I got a phone call from the same recruiter that approached me via email. “Hello Marius, here is </her_name>, we want to inform you that after analyzing your test results and interviews, we noticed that you are not suitable for our office in Brussels”, by this time I was pretty dissapointed but I said “ok, that’s life”, so I let her finish her speech. “Yes, you are not suitable for our office in Brussels but you are perfect for our office in Paris, where the development departments are!” (they told me before that only the designing departments are located in Brussels, information that I found out only when I arrived in Brussels)


I realized that Euroclear encourages the employees by offering them many benefits in order to make them stay. They really do invest in their people trying to make them feel like they don’t ever need to leave.

Overall, it was one of the coolest experience I had and I learned a lot from it, I’ve met awesome people and I made a lot of friends.

