King of the Mountains- Nanga Parbat

Maria Waheed
2 min readJul 15, 2022


Travel brings power and love

Back into your life


If you are a mysterious, daring fellow willing to surprise the world with unbeaten able achievements. You really should visit the King of the Mountains — Nanga Parbat which is the world’s 9th highest mountain in the parent range of the Himalayas. The name nanga Parbat is of Kashmiri origin as nanga means naked, it is to be said that when the snow falls only the sides get covered leaving the sky touching the top naked. Locally known as Diamer as it is located in the Diamer District of Gilgit Baltistan Pakistan. It has earned the nickname of “Killer Mountain” among climbers after several people lost their lives on their way to an unaccomplished dream. Nanga Parbat base camp is only 4 hours away from fairy meadows and is approachable for even inexperienced climbers. The rocky pathways to the king of the mountains are covered with a white shawl of snow. These three main routes will take you to the king of mountains Rupal, Raikot, and Diamer this route avoids the avalanche danger. They are completely different in appearance and shape their routes start from different valleys. The food and water are available there are really expensive. So, pamper yourself well before starting trekking. If you love wildlife you would be astonished to see the golden eagle and the lammergeier or bearded vulture other notable endangered mammals, such as the snow leopard, Himalayan brown bear, musk deer, Himalayan lynx, and the Marco Polo and blue sheep are also found there. You will hear the most insane stories about the people who have tried to reach the top. Hermann Buhl was an Austrian mountaineer and is considered one of the best climbers of all time. The first person ever who made it through the killer mountain. The first females who ever made it to nangaparbat wereAnna Czerwifiska, Krystyna Palmowska and Wanda Rutkiewicz. They reached the summit with no porter support. The base campsite at nanga Parbat is a breathtaking, refreshing, and spiritual awakening. You would love it there. As a lover waits for his beloved patiently and the first sight of the one provides him with inner joy and peace known only to him. You will feel the same once you reach there. As the great poet of 12th-century Rumi summoned it all up beautifully

Everything that is made beautiful and fair and lovely

Is made for the eye of one who sees



Maria Waheed

A highly motivated, hard-working individual who is always willing to learn new skills, tends to identify, and well-research every issue before clarifying info