6 Spiritual Traditions, What I learned, And Why It Matters

Marjorie Dadhich
20 min readJul 31, 2018

Exploring various traditions, beliefs, and religions can help us discover meaningful rituals and “ways of being” that enhance our lives.

Photo by Matthew Ronder-Seid on Unsplash

Perhaps as far back as when I was 10, I became interested in other belief-systems — particularly unusual ones — like wicca, but eventually branched out to learning more about Hinduism, Buddhism, and later on in life, Islam, and others like Sikhism or Jainism. Along the way I’ve picked up pieces of cultural knowledge and bits of understanding as it pertains to Native American Spirituality as well. Having been raised non-denominational Christian, I am familiar with the general ideas and traditions there — with somewhat limited awareness around Catholicism and Judaism. For whatever reason, my interests swayed way outside of what religion I was brought up in. However, it is my strong belief that the questioning, seeking, and exploring I did as a youngster made me more curious and a bit more culturally aware. It wasn’t until I got older that I came to appreciate and learn more about these faiths — and quickly realized — that I had only scratched the surface.

Photo by Thomas Young on Unsplash



Marjorie Dadhich

Pursuing my writing dreams here on Medium. I write mostly about Life, Psychology, and Creativity with the hope to uplift and inspire. marjoriedadhich@gmail.com