I love working with ambitious people and organisations enabling them to connect the power of digital technologies to drive tangible, sustainable, and compounding, business outcomes.

I'm an engineer by trade, and I'm passionate about helping businesses teams and individuals innovate and stay ahead of the curve.

I've been in the tech industry for over 25 years, working for some of the world’s most prolific organizations on their most demanding transformation programs, and have founded and invested in several successful start-ups.

As we move into the Web 3 era, and digital technologies, data, automation, augmentation, and business throughput goes exponential, it's more important than ever to have and be the talent that can show the way.

Successful digital transformation has never been more rewarded - and the implications of failure never more profound for every organization and indeed - individual.

My mission is to keep you on the right side of this equation thriving and prospering because of continuous Business and Technology change.

This blog introduces relevant how-to succeed-topics based on my work in this field.

Medium member since March 2019
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Mark Waller

Mark Waller

Investor, Entrepreneur. Applied BizTech is improving our lives — and we’re going exponential! How we maximise this advantage is my mission.