Random Acts Of Kindness Day

And 364 other days when you don’t need to be so kind…

Mark Godfrey
2 min readFeb 17, 2022
By Author, from Canva

I’m writing this on February 17th, which is now Random Acts of Kindness Day. Apparently today we can stop being awful to each other. For twenty-four hours. We sure need a break from that.

I feel the world is becoming more unkind. From politicians to social media bullies people seem to get a kick out of getting one up on other people. It’s very tiring watching it happen.

So, who is this special day for?

Is it for kind people?

There are still lots of kind people in the world. I believe it’s the majority. They’re just kind and don’t make a deal out of it.

If you already consider yourself to be kind. Or, show kindness as second nature without ever mentioning it. Then, how much kinder should you be today so you feel part of the celebration?

Is it for unkind people?

Who considers themselves unkind? Sociopaths? Narcissists? Psychopaths? Good luck getting any of those groups to admit anything short of their self-anointed perfection.

Is it for Self?



Mark Godfrey

I write about my life as an adoptee, abuse survivor and reformed drinker… https://markthewriter.co.uk