I Hate Microsoft’s Excel.Interop library, here is what I use instead

2 min readSep 6, 2019


Reading Excel Files — frustrating !

Reading Excel files in C# should be easy. So I thought. But if you google “How to read Excel files in C#”, you get the most complicated and frustrating code examples.

This is the top google result (!!!) — WTF ….

Top Google Result for “How to read Excel file in C#”: What the hell! I just want to read a simple Excel spreadsheet. Now I have to worry about Releasing COM objects ?!?

After some painstaking research & trying multiple libraries, I finally came across a library I really like…ExcelMapper. It is concise and easy to work with. Exactly what I was looking for.

Compare the above code to this line of beauty!

ExcelMapper — simple, concise

Aahh. Sigh of relief!

Reading Excel Files in C# — my personal first YouTube video

I even went through the effort of creating my first ever YouTube video on this. (Side note: It took me a LOT longer to do a video than I imagined. Any constructive :) criticism is appreciated)

