Here are my top five favourite, open-source & free C# libraries.
#1 ServiceStack.Text for JSON, JSV, CSV Serialization
- super fast, concise and easy to work with
- sample code:
Sample code: Serialising to JSON, CSV, XML using ServiceStack.Text
Same goes for mapping from. ie FromJson(); FromCsv(), FromXml()
How beautiful & concise is this code for reading a csv file & mapping it to List<Person>
#2 Dapper for ORM
- one of the fastest ORMs
- in production use at StackOverflow
- Strong opinion: I really dislike the bloated ORM libraries like EF, NHibernate.
Querying with Dapper
#3 Humanizer for humanizing ugly text
Sample code
Humanizing text
#4 SeriLog for logging
- structured (!!) logging
“text logging with a twist”
#5 RestSharp for Http utilities
- Typical use case: fetch, post data from external API
Example: Get data from JsonPlaceHolder REST API