Mark Hutchinson — Founder of WildArk

Mark Hutchinson
2 min readAug 2, 2017


Listen to every idea. If someone has shared an idea, then it is of value.

Mark Hutchinson, (aka “Hutch”) has spent his entire life surrounded by the bush. Having grown up in Australia, he is a passionate advocate for the world’s wilderness areas. Hutch has always been focused on inspiring and educating people about the wild through his many entrepreneurial ventures including owning and operating a training and travel business for over 10 years. His lifelong desire is to ensure that he leaves the world in a better natural state for his kids and future generations that follow.

In 2016, Mark launched WildArk, a business focused on protecting as much of the world’s biodiversity as possible whilst helping reconnect people with the wonders of the natural world and become inspired to contribute to making a difference to protecting our fragile ecosystems. WildArk secured its first conservancy in the Kruger Region of South Africa in early 2017 and is working towards building safe havens for species protection. WildArk will continue to work on exploring ways to protect biodiversity in nature hot spots around the world and make a positive impact on both local communities and those who visit the areas.

Mark has a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Sydney, an MBA from INSEAD Business School, France and is currently completing a Masters of Conservation Biology at Macquarie University. When Mark isn’t in the bush or trekking to the far reaches of the world, he spends time on his surf board or exploring wilderness locations with his young family.

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