Mark Duiker
2 min readFeb 1, 2018

How Pitch Apply believes recruitment, AI & blockchain tech should be combined to launch careers

Allow us to introduce you with Pitch Apply, an innovative platform that will revolutionize the way we apply for jobs and perhaps more importantly, a platform that will reshape the recruitment industry.

Hiring managers focus on results and achievements, and yet the majority of resumes they receive are basic summaries of job histories with all activities listed. Most people simply do not master how to present themselves successfully on their resume or during job interviews if they are invited. This complicates the selection, as there is no clear distinction between candidates.

We are in the process of developing an online resume platform that guides users through the process of creating a success profile that provides relevant information based on their results and achievements rather than a mere list of activities. Users are guided with input from our intelligent software that learns from the data of other successful profiles and desired information based on frequently asked interview questions by recruiters. In short, we will help users with creating their perfect Pitch and increase their chances for success when applying, and hiring managers will get a clear picture of what a candidate may bring within the company.

To complete the success profile and to further make the application process more efficient we will develop several block chain based features, which will give users full control over all their employment related data in a secure and validated manner.

Mark Duiker, Ceo Pitch Apply