How Does Our Brain Understand Graphs?

deriving network encodings from evolution

Mark Cleverley
The Startup


To learn from something, we first have to understand it. With AI, this isn’t always so easy.

Our brain can learn just about any information, no matter how simple or complex. But what makes data “complex”?

563,490 is larger than 5, but about as simple: a integer on a numeric scale (a scalar, if you will).

How about a graph?

As it grows, a social network becomes arbitrarily complex. Adding more nodes isn’t too convoluted, but each node can have any number of connections (and some connections are weightier than others.

There’s no “hard” limit to how many people you can know — it’s arbitrary, uncertain.

Why does this matter for AI?

Esoteric Encoding

To feed data into a machine learning model, we have to convert the bits into a format the computer can work with — bits.

If you’re predicting temperatures based on daily readings, scalars are easy.



Mark Cleverley
The Startup

data scientist, machine learning engineer. passionate about ecology, biotech and AI.