DIGITAL GOLD in South Korea, safe investments.

Mark 21
5 min readAug 30, 2020


Continuing with the topic of cryptocurrencies in the world, today we will talk about this country known as South Korea, this being one of the oldest civilizations in the world, it has approximately a population of 51,635,000 people, in which more than half of the country’s population lives in its capital, Seoul, or in its metropolitan area, which is one of the most populous metropolitan areas in the world. Apart from occupying the number twenty and number six position in Asia of the most visited countries worldwide, visited by a number of tourists of more or less 11.1 million foreign tourists and also a large part of East Asia being these: Hong Kong, Taiwan , Japan, and China. Generating profits for this country with the different tourist places that it presents us as: popular tourist sites on the outskirts of Seoul including the Seorak-san national park, the historical city of Gyeongju and the subtropical Jeju.

The economy of that country has increased at a continuous speed approximately since 1950. Placing it in the 13th position of the best economy in the world, its economy consists of the oriented manufacturing and the large exports that this country carries out with a performance of highly skilled labor, this being an important trading partner of the largest economies around the world. Achieving a very good economy in the people who reside there, with good quality of life.

South Korea is a perfectly technologically developed country and also the best communicated. So it is the third country with the largest number of people on broadband Internet, being also one of the global leaders in the production of electronic devices, semiconductor devices and mobile phones. For which all this technology not only attracts the attention of tourists, but also that of investors with whom they can financially support themselves either with: financial markets, virtual franchises, online stores, own businesses, cryptocurrencies and among other investments.

Image 1: South Korea.

Taking into account the issue of investments, it should be noted that South Korea is part of an important section in the cryptoactive market, with a huge amount of investments in cryptocurrencies, being used thanks to technological development and a large number of cryptocurrency exchanges located in the country. The inhabitants of this are well known for having a high percentage of enthusiastic investors when it comes to crypto assets. Being Bitcoin and a large number of digital currencies a boom in this country, so much so that an absurd amount of search by Google has been reported, where millions of people investigate more and more about this type of currencies every day, looking for the best option to invest in them in the safest way possible, but this enthusiasm sometimes exceeds the limits reaching the point that they pay and even above the value that this tax in the market.

This country has a very good acceptance of cryptocurrencies, so the government allocated 1 trillion won (USD 880 million) to invest in the development of blockchain technology in 2019, creating an environment conducive to the adoption of cryptocurrencies, In addition, it was reported that South Korea’s largest bank, KB Kookmin, will develop crypto-asset regulatory and custody solutions.

Image 2: Cryptocurrencies in South Korea

Knowing all this information described above, we learn a little more about this country and the great economy that it has, counting on a government that trusts cryptocurrencies with a closed eye, so it has a highly qualified population for the acquisition of these currencies. But how would your governments and investors respond to a currency that brings change to their lives for the better? Answering this question, I want to present this project known as DIGITAL GOLD, this is complemented by Ethereum of the ERC20 type, this digital cryptocurrency as its name indicates is supported by physical gold, having an equivalent value of one gram of gold (99.99%) of pure gold, as indicated on its official page: limiting the great security that DIGITAL GOLD has since this cryptoactive is insured in a vault in Singapore with high security, being protected every day without exception. On the other hand, the insurance covers each and every one of the risks that it may present, being provided by one of the largest metal insurance companies known as Chubb Insurance.

DIGITAL GOLD not only provides us with security in the GOLD due to its stability but also it has blockchain technology necessary to carry out our operations, it also offers high privacy by remaining anonymous when trading GOLD, since it will only be necessary to provide the address wallet of your choice, such as: MyEtherWallet, MetaMask, Trezor, Guarda and Ledger Nano S. performing the operations of this cryptocurrency would not have any difficulty since it contains a high liquidity in the market so you can make large amounts purchase and sale of this token at the time you want. For all the above described, I think it goes without saying that this cryptocurrency would not be a bad investment idea for this country, since the vast majority of investors that South Korea owns, seek safe investments that generate profits and contrary to this do not diminish them, I tend to conclude that this cryptocurrency offers great hopes of success, taking this successful project by name as … DIGITAL GOLD.


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