Mark H
1 min readJul 31, 2016


That’s an amazing analogy. I think the first step is helping people to see. It’s like in the movie The Matrix. You still participate, but you can see the system for what it is. I won’t claim to see the whole thing, but I’m working on putting the pieces together. The Wachowski movies, The Matrix, V for Vendetta, and Jupiter Ascending, were meant to tell us something.

The Matrix was to tell us the system is there and we’re batteries. V for Vendetta was to tell us individuals matter and can make all the difference together. Jupiter Ascending was to tell us we may need to give up what’s ours to save the world.

I think the debt is fake in many cases. They sell off jobs to the cheapest sweat shops they can find, they put small business owners out of business by selling products they acquired in deals so large nobody can compete, they cut every last bit of humanity out of our business interactions, and when we can’t make it, they sell us debt to “help out”.

What really gets me are the fees on bank accounts. You ever hear of a rich person paying an NSF fee? $35 for bouncing a $6 check. Loan sharks don’t have it so good. And by the time you walk into a payday loan company, you can just forget about it.



Mark H

No promises. I write for me. I hope you can relate.