Life can often be embarrassing enough without having to drive a car that only adds to that embarrassment. And yet the world abounds with such vehicles. Although we may not want to own or drive them ourselves, they’re sure fun to observe and to speculate on the type of person who might be drawn to them. Here, then, is a carefully curated selection of 9 truly odd cars you’d most likely be embarrassed to drive.

In response to the question, “What sort of car might a super vegan be driving?”, this Bananamobile suggests itself. You must admit, even if you don’t like it a bunch, that it has a certain a-peel. I’d consider driving it but I’m too yellow. All I know is that my girlfriend Chiquita likes it.

I would guess that the man driving this car is not the shy, retiring, introspective type. All right, let’s be honest — he craves attention and perhaps could use some therapy. Imagine picking your date up for the first time in this vehicle. She’d either love it or take one look and and walk right back inside her house. Either way, it’s a date she wouldn’t soon forget.

Holy moly, guacamole, check this car out! While some cars are available in an Avocado Green color, but this may be taking that option a tad too literally. Some will love it; others may consider it the pits.

This car is clearly a shell of its former self. But it still looks great, thanks, I suppose, to its many applications of Turtle Wax. When you poke your head out in this baby, you’re going to get noticed — though, granted, not for its speed.

This one is probably more comfortable to ride in than to wear. Still, anyone driving this is either desperate for attention or a heel. Just one question — what happens when it rains?

Can the world ever have enough cars that look like a punk rocker mated with a space alien? On the positive side, you end up saving a lot of money on tires. Just be considerate enough to provide a throw-ladder for your passengers.

“That’s okay, honey. You can take the Mercedes; I’ll take the Dragonmobile.” Just don’t let it get too close to you in case it breathes fire. And don’t cut it off unless you want it to go Medieval on you.

Any man who drives this car has to be really confident of his masculinity — or have a deep and strong love of pink poodles. Any woman who drives this car no doubt has, well, issues.

We’ve all heard of or seen dogs chasing their tails, but cars chasing their tails? The MPG may not be overly impressive, but focus on the advantages: You’ll always be able to see what the kids are up to in the back seat! And, of course, the dog is thinking, “Hey, it got the idea from me!”

We may not have these cars or anything like them, but if you’re ready for great deals on some fantastic cars you’d be proud to drive, check out BNO’s upcoming classic & exotic cars auctions. If you have any questions about buying or selling cars on BNO, please contact our Director of Sales, Cars, Adam Wolfe. Email



Mark Miller

Mark Miller is Creative Director for Bid Network Online, an author, journalist, humorist, and blogger for The Huffington Post.