Jesus Really Is A Symbol Of White Supremacy. Let Me Tell You Why.

Mark Jacob
2 min readJun 25, 2020


A painted image of Jesus
You know this isn’t really what Jesus looked like, right?

Recently Shaun King, a civil rights activist, caused a commotion when he called for the removal of statues that he viewed as racist propaganda. The Jesus that we have come to identify in pop culture is a blue eyed European based Jesus. In actuality, Jesus was born in Israel and fled to Egypt in order to blend in. White Jesus’ family would have a difficult time blending in while in Egypt. We have come to accept a blonde hair, blue eyed Jesus due to a successful push from white supremacists.

People always struggle when they find out at a later point that they were educated incorrectly. They challenge the new information and fail to accept that the initial information was flawed. Now if you try to convince them their religion and faith is wrong, some people go into full out war. There is no scenario where Jesus was blonde hair and blue eyed. In fact, he probably was closer to looking like Osama Bin Laden than he was Chris Hemsworth. The Bible describes Jesus as an average man who didn’t stand out in any particular way. This has led to artists in history depicting Jesus as an average man within their own society. If you break down the geography in Jesus’ lifetime, he would have have looked like an Arab with brown eyes, brown hair and tan skin.

The reason Christianity is recognized world wide is due to a violent and brutal transfer of information. Accept Jesus or die. With Europeans spreading Christianity globally, there is no surprise that we have accepted the European standard of Jesus. We have statues of Confederate generals across the nation that are being destroyed for our portrayal of these terrorists who killed American lives. Instead of just removing these white Jesus statues, let’s replace them with more accurate depictions of Jesus. I do fear that Christians are not ready for their statue Jesus’ to appear more like Mohammed than Hitlers perfect specimen.

If Europeans weren’t so determined on global domination and spreading their superiority, we wouldn’t have many things that we have come to accept in our lives. If you think this conversation is making people feel uncomfortable now, wait until they find out that Santa Claus is from Turkey….

