XRP was designed for $10,000.

The evidence is in its design.

Mark Phillips
5 min readFeb 18, 2019

When XRP was created, it was designed to be a replacement for both institutional and retail financial systems in every market around the world. How do we know this? An examination of how XRP is constructed makes this evident.

A somewhat famous quote from Ripple Labs co-founder Arthur Britto provides a tantalizing clue. In 2017, he wrote, “XRP must be scalable to accommodate 7.5 billion people.” We’ll come back to this quote, but it does provide insight into the scale of Ripple’s ambitions to be used by the global population. First, let’s examine some of the main features of XRP that support my claim that it was designed to carry $10,000 of value.

Liquidity and Availability:

XRP’s primary use case is to enable cross-border payments that are faster, cheaper, and more reliable than existing systems, such as SWIFT. On Ripple’s own Insights blog, Shanna Leonard explained how “XRP is the only digital asset specifically designed for financial institutions and payment providers … (by providing them with) a reliable, on-demand source of liquidity for cross-border payments.”

According to Investopedia, “Liquidity describes the degree to which an asset or security can be quickly bought or sold in the market without affecting the…

