Tips every Las Vegas visitor should know about

Mark Garris
7 min readJul 24, 2020


Everybody wants to visit Vegas and want to enjoy, but if this is your first time, and if you don’t know much about this place, then in today’s post, we are going to provide you all the information, This post is full of tips that every Las Vegas visitor must know about before visiting. So, just keep on reading, and till the end, we guarantee that you are going to gather lots of amazing information.

Choosing the date of your stay

One of the most important thing is to check out the dates on which you will be visiting Vegas. As you might know that there are lots of conventions happening in Vegas every year. Hence, you should check out first if any convention is about to happen. The CES happens around January, and it can get really crowded during such days. Moreover, getting hotels and flight tickets will also be an up hill battle. The prices reaches the sky during peak seasons, and you should always avoid going to Vegas during such times. Not just conventions, but during sporting events like various rodeos also things get quite messy. Lots of people visit Vegas, and they simply get the city too crowded. Hence, choosing your date is quite an important thing that you should follow.

Check out for any kind of hidden fees

Apart from choosing the date of your stay, you should also make sure that you are checking for any hidden fees these hotels charge. Sometimes, hotels show the basic price during booking, and after you will check out, they will useless charges and this will cost you a lot. We understand that people always go for budget vacations, and they have a certain budget on their mind. If you want to make sure that you aren’t spending too much, then you should check out for hidden fees. The best way is to contact various agencies who are providing coupons or packages that gives you complete transparency. Vegas Stronger is one such provider that provides vacation packages to ensure that tourists don’t have to pay a lot while booking hotels.

Avoid buying drinks at Casinos

If you are planning to get some drinks from casino bars, then that will be a bad idea because those drinks are going to cost you a lot. Instead, you should just keep on playing and soon a waitress will come towards you with free drinks to offer. Yeah, you heard us right, casinos offer complimentary drinks to make sure that people are playing more and spending more. If you make the right move, then you won’t have to spend anything on drinks at all. Most people often make the mistake of buying from casino bars, and that will really hurt your pocket. Yeah, sometimes, you might end up waiting for a long time, but that will be rewarded for sure.

Take a tour of the entire city and draw a plan

First of all, this is your first time in Vegas, and everything will intimidate you for sure. From super big hotels to casinos filled with amazing tables and machines. To make yourself comfortable, you should make sure that you are knowing more about the city. Just hop on big bus and take a complete guided tour of the city within 40 minutes. This will make sure that you have enough knowledge about the city. Afterwards, you can simply plan your action and based on your knowledge, you can choose the site you want to visit. Most people don’t know this, and they randomly select their clubs and they end up spending too much on it.

Carry adequate supplies with you

No matter what you carry or not, but you should always have a light jacket and a bottle of water with you. During summers Vegas tends to be really hot, and that’s the reason why most casinos use ultra huge AC’s to compensate the temperature, and that’s why most casinos are really cold. If you don’t have anything to cover up, then you might end up shivering with cold. Most first timers don’t realize this, and they end up suffering. Most important is water, because Vegas is literally huge, and walking through strips will dehydrate you instantly. Now coming to the most important thing and that is sunscreen. When you are walking in Vegas, you will notice that strong sun rays directly affecting your skin, and without sunscreen you are going to get the worst burns of your life. Hence, its always advisable that you carry a strong sunscreen with you.

Know when to exit

You should always know when to stop gambling, and when to stop clubbing, because if you go with the flow, then you might end up spending too much. Gambling is safe, if you know how much to spend, and when to stop at the right time. There is always a limit to something. You might have heard stories about people getting bankrupted while gambling, well those stories are definitely true. Gambling gives you the hope to win, and people pursue that hope no matter what. Hence, you should always make sure that you are spending as per your planning, and when you aren’t winning, then simply say goodbye and head towards something more interesting. The same formula goes for partying, if you are drinking too much, then let us tell you that those drinks will cost you a lot, and you will definitely ruin your morning too. Just have few drinks, and once you are done dancing and clubbing, you should return to your hotel for a good night sleep.

General tips for first timers

Now its time for common tips that everybody should know about. To begin with, you are free to bring your drinks wherever you want. Yeah, you heard us right, you can drink a beer anywhere, and you can even shop while holding a glass of wine. Vegas gives you the right to enjoy no matter where and how. The beauty of Vegas is in the fact that it allows you to be free. But if you want to save money on drinks, then we would suggest that you purchase alcohol from corner stores and it will be inexpensive. Whereas, drinking in clubs will cost you a lot, and you should avoid it.

You will notice lots of costumed sexy ladies standing and posing, well, you are free to click selfies with them, but make sure that you tip them, because that’s how they earn money. The same thing goes for other things too. When you are in Vegas, always be ready to tip because lots of people make their living by these tips.

Don’t try to stop cabs on the strip, because it’s not allowed and most of the cabs are passing are already booked. The best way to get a cab is by going to reserved cab places in front of hotels. You will easily get cabs there, but be ready to wait in line because lots of people use this place for getting cabs. Moreover, during peak seasons,

Don’t forget to click pictures of the big sign that says “Welcome to Vegas”, you will notice that lots of people will offer their help to take your picture, and if you choose to get their help, make sure that you tip them too.

If someone is trying to provide you free samples or vouchers, you should simply ignore and say sorry because that’s simply waste of your time, hence you should avoid it at all cost. If someone says that you will get to see free shows, then also you should avoid it. These are nothing but simple scams and it’s not worthy of your time.

Tips for first time gamblers

If you never really gambled before, then you are missing out on a lot of fun, because gambling is really amazing, but make sure that you know some tips and tricks. Casinos in Vegas are damn huge, and with loud music along with lots of people will trick your brain for sure. Firstly, and most importantly, you should know what to play. There are lots of tables for poker, blackjack, and other games. Hence, you should either learn something or you should buy a book that explains every game in details. Being a noob can really hurt your pocket badly. Hence, we would suggest that you don’t go blindly, and you should definitely know what you want to play.

So, these are some of the most amazing tips that every first time visitors should know about and you should follow this because it will save you from spending too much. Moreover, people often get confused about what to do first, and where to go first, hence, you should always get in touch with people who visited Sin City before, they can provide you some really good advice too. Lastly, don’t forget to plan in advance because that will save you from last minute rush.

