The Body’s Largest Organ…

Mark Cosby
3 min readAug 12, 2022


Can YOU guess which it is?

Photo by Joel Ambass on Unsplash

It is the most important organ we have, it does myriad things for us that we don’t realize or sometimes appreciate it. for without this organ we would not live very long!!! Have you guessed which is it yet? here is a clue! it is capable of taking in nutrient's… and it regulates the water in our Bodies… still have not deciphered which organ I am referring to?

Then allow me to enlighten you! In medical terms it is known as the Integumentary System! I am talking about our adaptable amazing Skin!!! Peau! Pelle! Cera! Haut! Hud! Did you spot your native language for the word skin? Skin is made up of three layers the Epidermis, Dermis and Subcutaneous, in fact these layers are filled with different mechanisms that aid in keeping us alive and thriving! skin is multifunctioning and comes in many shades and colors or hues, the range varies from fair to very dark, why is this? is it do to the geographic region we live in or is it something else? It is definitely something else… and that something else is called Melanin.

What is Melanin? and why do some of us have more than others and does it really protects us from the ravaging effects of the Sun? for example an Albino would have less melanin in their body than say a person of Senegalese decent conversely and less than a Caucasian. Melanin, is responsible for eye, hair and skin color the darker the skin the more melanin throughout our bodies. Melanin, just as our skin also comes in 3's!!! Eumelanin, Pheomelanin, and Neuromelanin.

The skin is a living barrier between our internal body and the external environment, It’s primary job is to keep our body’s temperature regulated!

  1. EPIDERMIS: is the outermost layer obviously visible is the hair and not visible are the sweat pores. also visible when we are cold are chicken skin/goosebumps this process is called Pilomotor, Blood vessels constrict keeping more blood from flowing near the surface.
  2. DERMIS: Contains a litany of mechanisms here is where you will find the arteries, hair bulbs, nerves, sweat glands and veins.
  3. HYPODERMIS/Subcutaneous: This is basically the fat layer also in medical terms called Adipose tissue, and underneath this is lies muscle tissue.

Did you know that victims of 3rd degree burns feels no pain? this is because their nerve endings are destroyed.

Just like any organ in our body this system is also afflicted by diseases such as acne, eczema, pemphigus, psoriasis, scleroderma, vitiligo, and the most lethal of them ALL… skin cancers again there are 3 types!

A. Basal cell carcinoma… Mortality rate about 2,000 a year!

B. Squamous cell carcinoma… The least fatal of the three!

C. Melanoma… Mortality rate 2.5 per 100,000!

Photo by Tracey Hocking on Unsplash

All 3 left untreated can prove deadly! so please, please! go get checked out, should you spot an abnormal skin lesion that is irregular and growing in an abnormal way make an appointment to see your dermatologist immediately!!!

Now 3 tips to protect your skin!!!

  1. Limit your Sun exposure,
  2. Use sunscreen,
  3. Wear loose fitting light color clothing while you are out doing yard work.

So there you have it you know know what the largest organ of your body!

Until next time… More to come!!!



Mark Cosby

Reach out @ Author! Certified Life Coach. Available for freelance work.