Speaking at Design Driven NYC (Photo Credit: Caitlin Strandberg)

What Every Designer Should Know About Voice

The rise of voice interfaces will change the way we design everything.

Mark C. Webster
Published in
1 min readAug 14, 2017


When we hear the term “voice” we often think of platforms such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, but the growing popularity of voice interfaces will make them a primary means of digital interaction across every medium, including web and mobile.

Voice will impact every form of digital design, forever changing both our design process and the organizational structure of design teams.

I recently spoke about this shift in the design world at FirstMark’s Design Driven NYC, the largest monthly creative community in NYC. You can watch the full video below (the first half of the video is the presentation, followed by Q&A from the audience).

Have thoughts or comments? Tweet at me and let’s discuss.

Mark Webster is the CEO/Founder of Sayspring, a collaborative design platform for voice interfaces.

A huge thanks to the team at @FirstMark (Dan Kozikowski, Andrew Oved, and Liz Mead) for making this happen. To become a part of Design Driven NYC, visit designdrivennyc.com. To find out more about FirstMark Capital, check them out online or on Twitter.



Mark C. Webster
VUI Magazine

Voice UI/UX Design, Product, Developer. Founder of @Sayspring (now part of Adobe). Editor of VUI-magazine.com. Prev: Co-founded SideTour (Acq'd by @Groupon).