10 Awesome YouTube Channels for New Truckers

4 min readMar 4, 2023


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To Truck, Or Not to Truck?… That Is the Question!

Are you still wondering if you should try the trucking life or not?

Do you have a stack of questions on what it takes to get your CDL (Commercial Drivers License)?

Do you think trucking over the road may finally put you on a path to success?

Answers to these questions and many more are closer than you think.

In these 10 Awesome Youtube channels about trucking, you’ll find informative answers based on years of real-life experience in the trucking trenches. You’ll also read about those just starting their career and their impressions of this fast-moving industry.

The Awesome 10

  1. First up is The Helpful Trucker, where he gives advice on CDL schools and offers tips on how to pass your written and road CDL tests. He also has playlists on the ins and outs of owner-operatorship new CDL holders.
  2. Another popular Youtuber is Mutha Trucker . He normally focuses on owner- operator issues for new drivers but in this videos he lays it out plain on how to choose the best CDL school for your money. Highly recommended!
  3. Anyone who has ever passed their CDL road test has had to perform an acceptable backup procedure. The Advanced Truck Backing channel on YT is a perfect complement to live practice in the seat. He gives many examples and in-depth explanations of backing theory.
  4. And here’s another P.O.V. on how best to get your CDL license from Smart-Trucking.com It’s an older video, but it’s evergreen — this advice comes from a trucker with nearly 50 years of experience. Smart Trucking has hundreds of videos and is really a “soup to nuts” of trucking information.
  5. Out Here Trucking is a small channel only a few months old, but wow, is there a lot of good content! Lots of practical tips on dealing with crowded truckstops, what new drivers should be asking their recruiters, and other rookie mistakes he’s made, so you won’thave to.
  6. ET Transport looks at how to actually go about getting your first job in trucking after successfully passing your CDL. ET Transport has a wide variety of videos on the gamut of trucking topics. And they do a hilarious role play skit of the trucker- dispatcher relationship.
  7. This one won’t be everyone’s cuppa joe but My Trucking Skills is well worth checking out, IMHO. The host is an Irish guy with a home truck simulator. Hundreds of tutorials on backing, angles, parallel parking, etc. It really is a treasure trove of instruction information here if you give it a chance.
  8. Driven Trucking is owned by a 20- something owner- operator who loves making videos about all things trucking… Full Stop! Topics range from advice for newbies, D.O.T. inspections, what and who to avoid over- the -road, shifting, backing, and everyone’s favourite, videos about money! Highly recommend this one guys!

9. From Europe comes Angelica Larsson Just a fun channel from Sweden showcasing the trucking life of Angelica Larsson. The channel has grown to nearly 350,000 subscribers in just a few years and has shown to be a fan favourite of many across the pond. My guess is she’ll be even more popular Stateside if she decides to truck in North America in the future.

10. Number 10 is a 2 for 1… so really this is a Top 11 List for yas. Alex the Trucking Guy and Riding with Dave are like those Day-in-the-Life of documentary-style channels. Think “the Reality TV of Trucking”!

Alex is an early 20- something who was inspired by Riding with Dave to take the plunge and go to truck driving school. He pretty much has documented his trucking life from CDL school, his first job, right on through to how he managed to land his dream job just last December, 2022.

Riding with Dave documents the sights, sounds and general craziness with funny, smart commentary on what he witnesses daily. This is quality Youtube!

Next Steps

Well, you’ve got a lot of new content to get consumed. These are more than enough to get you started researching this exciting and challenging career path.

There’s a lot there. So don’t get overwhelmed. Take your time going through the list and when one channel clicks, get stuck in and really digest their knowledge of the industry.

The more point of views you consider, the better decision you’ll make on if trucking is right for you.

Now get at it. Take action. And hopefully, we’ll see you down the road.

